Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The "L" Word

Dear Readers,

Soooo.... it's coming up.
Valentine's Day.
The day that most girls in relationships look forward to and most single girls dread.
I am one of the weird single girls who loves Valentine's Day. I have already mailed out and made about 20 cards. My apartment has been decorated for about a month. I have plans with some chocolate cake and the couch on Thursday.
I personally believe that Valentine's Day is not just for couples. It is for love. I have a lot of love in my life (a lot of hate too). I have my family and friends. I love them and I believe most love me.
Today however I don't feel in a love dovey mode. The "l" word of the day is loathing. I loath lots of things today.
Lets start out with the laundry. My laundry was in the washer and I guess some guy needed the washer so bad so he moved my shit. Don't move my shit. That is just rude. But that wasn't even the worst part. I washed a pen with my whites. It got on my chef coat. It won't come out. I want to kill small puppies now (not like I like puppies normally anyway). I loath the person who invented gel pens. They are impossible to get out of fabric (they also make it impossible to acetone wash checks) that dumb ass. I loath him. I loath laundry and pens and idiots.
Most of all right now I loath my roommate who thinks that her watching Ghost Adventures is more important than me watching some mind numbing performances on the Grammy's. Seriously? That is a super stupid show. It is soooo not important than me watching t.v. I kinda loath her in general and this is annoying. Because her stupidity I got bored and decided to write this angsty blog post, and for that you will probably loath me.
I am just full of loathing today and it's not very fitting for this week of love...
I just kinda hate the world.