Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fun. Adventures With Train

Dear Readers,

Normally I don't do anything on Friday nights. My life has been constricted to the pool and books, but last night I actually had some fun.
It is Sanford Employee Appreciation week (so if you are a Sanford Employee I really appreciate you), and they were having a free concert for the employees to appreciate them. My mother is a very appreciated employee so she received four free tickets to the concert. My mother gave the tickets to me so I could go with a few friends and I jumped on the opportunity because Train was playing. 
Oh Train. I have heard there music that is on the radio or in movies, so I was looking forward to hearing some new songs live. Well that didn't happen because it decided to rain. Let me give you a run down of the whole night and you will laugh at my very Fun. adventure.
My friend Virginia was driving. She came to pick me up from the pool cause I was working. Then we went to get my other friends, then we went on our way to Sioux Falls because that is where the concert was. While driving we started talking about the new song Whistle by the asshole Flo Rida, and the next song that played on the radio was Whistle. That was just the start of many coincidences.
My mother had so kindly printed out  map for us to follow, but we didn't go the same route so when we got to the city we were very confused. Thank the goodness for my new smart phone because otherwise we would not have gotten there. Once there we parked the car and had to shut off the radio in the middle of a song we wanted to listen to, but we wanted to get over the stage before Train played. While walking over we crack a few jokes about how the concert won't be Fun. (like the band Fun.) because its Train. Some crappy opening band was playing when we arrived. By some miracle the sucky band said there were only going to play one more song before Train came on because some bad weather was brewing and they wanted us to see and actually good band (I am not sure if Train falls into that category).
Train comes on and starts playing. They started with 50 Ways to Say Goodbye or something like that. I already mentioned that I was with some named Virginia. Well Train has a song called Meet Virginia, which is like super old and hardly known. But amazingly they played it, and Virginia started freaking out. After a few more songs, they announced they were doing 3 more songs because of the storms coming. Drops of Jupiter, Hey Soul Sister, and Drive By were my guesses and I pegged them all! So the best coincidence/cosmic fate/weird thing of the night was at the end of Hey Soul Sister they started playing part of We Are Young by Fun. All of our mouths were so wide upon in shock that a tiny army of toy soldiers could have marched out. It was crazy because we had just been joking about how the concert was not Fun. It was crazy.
So after the three more songs we all left. While waiting to pull out the car next to was listening to the same station as us, so we jammed out with some complete strangers. Right after we pulled out of the parking lot a down pour started. We got on to the Interstate. We were all kind of freaking out, but it turned out okay. We didn't die. The storm eventually stopped.
To keep ourselves awake because we were off the adrenaline high from the storm we stopped for some coffee at McDonald's. The McDonald's was a FANCY McDonald's. It was legit!! Super fancy! I bet the even had Fancy Ketchup.  But McDonald's coffee is shit. It tastes like syrup, so don't get coffee when you go there. Stick to the pretend healthy smoothies.
After all of that we finally made it home. Everything turned out just peachy. It turned out to be Fun.

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