Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Save the Hands

Dear Readers,
My strange optimism from yesterday has vanished as predicted. Today was a moderately good day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, and what can be expected from a Monday. Of course I did find something to complain about today. Clapping. This strange phenomenon is something perplexes me. Why does slapping your hands together show appreciation for what someone is saying or doing. Wouldn't it be better to give them your full attention and actually listening to what they were saying instead of hitting your big paws aganist one another. I personally feel more appreciated when people listen to what I say.
I was curious about when and why this weird tradition started so I went to source of knowledge and wisdom, the INTERWEB!! Wop Wop! And sadly I found nothing useful. Most soruces said that it started to become common in when Romans and Greeks would encourag the audicence to applaud at the end of a play. But what I couldn't find was why it started. So if you can find that I would appreciate it if you would share the information with me, dear readers.
But really has no one else looked at people while the clap. They look like seals slaping their fins together. People look rediculous clapping. And clapping after everything someone says is worse. It's the worst during political debates or speechs. People clap after about every sentence. Really? Do you need to clap that much. Like, Really how much does that show how much you like what they are saying?
It doesn't you just look STUPID!!
Are the appandages at the end of our arms really meant for that? Can't our hands be doing something more useful that hitting each other. They can be writing, creating, speaking through sign langauge, helping, holding, and providing comfort. Out hands do not be slapped together. It hurts, and you look like a seal. They can be put to such better use than a clap.
If you really appreciate or enjoy what someone is saying or doing tell them. A vocal comment will make them feel so much better about themselves than you  slapping your extermites together.
So please for me and for youself stop looking like a seal and use the langauge you speak to show your appreacation.
Please Save the Hands and Use Your Words!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Dear Readers,
I am in a strangly happy mood today. I know I am generally angry and sarcastic, but after doing AMAZING at indivdual speech yesterday and watching and extremely cute movie today I don't know how I could be cynical.
I am in Indivdual Speech and I LOVE it! That and quizbowl are my favorite school activites. Yeah, kinds nerrdy I know. Yesterday was our first contest, and I just did soooooo much better than I thought I was going to. I love speech. Espeically indivdual speech. It's a group of indivduals who love doing what they are doing. No one is being forced to do it, which makes it so much more fun. People who want to do something have a better time doing it.
And I just finished watching the cutest movie. 500 Days of Summer. Some people would watch this movie and think it is despressing, but I feel strangly happy after watching it. SPOILER ALERT. Sorry to explain why I like it I may have to tell you the ending, so if you have watched this movie keep reading. If you haven't seen this movie quit reading, go watch the movie, and then come back and finish reading!
Of course it is depressing that he does not get the girl he really wants in the end. But There is hopeful. The movie ends on such a happy and hopeful note that I was left smiling from ear to ear.
It lest me feeling so optimistic. And this is a very strange feeling since I am generally negative Nancy. I am not sure how I feel about being optimistic. It's like seeing the world through completely new eyes. Tomorrow it might change, but for today the world is happy and the sun is shining. (It actaully was shining all day which made this cold winter day feel so much warmer.)
I am not sure if this optimism is here to stay so don't expect me to be all happy go lucky now, but at least you got to read one post without me hating on the world. So words of advice for you today, go watch 500 Days of Summer and find something that you love that can feel your heart with joy. Contrary to popular belief I do not hate everything. I have a little optimism in me, and things that I love pull it out of the dark depths of my soul. So thank you for letting me be happy and myself for once. Don't expect it to stay because tomorrow is another day, but we all need to bask in the sun for at least one day and today was my day.
Stay skeptically optimistic my friends!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stupid People Irritate Me

Hello People,
Toady I am going to rant to you about stupid people. Currently I just have all of this rage built up on account of idiots. Most people I talk to are convinced I hate humanity. That is false. I don't hate everyone I just hate stupid people. We all know who I am talking about. People who never know what their talking about, never know what their doing, and have know drive to learn the right thing to do or the right thing to say. Those people just really push my buttons. Stupid people irritate me. They make me want the throw things, mash things, and kill cute cuddly things. If those people are the future or our race then please just kill me now.
Currently I am a senior in high school. You would think that as seniors in high school, after 12 years of schooling, people would be able the think for themselves and form some sort of intelligent thought. Well think again. Here are just a few examples.
While talking about Zesus the greek god, probably the most well known Greek God, some girl asks if we are talking about Zoosk, the online dating service. Really? Really?
While reading books in class you can clearly see stupid people at their finiest (or would it be their worst? Well you get the idea). As seniors in high school people should be able to identify and comprehend symbols on their own. But oh no! That's to hard. We need to have teachers tell exactly what to get from a book. We need to spend all of our time talking about symbols because they can't find them by themselves. So instead of talking about the themes (the real reason the book was written) we spend all of our time talking about symbols. Really?!?! REALLY?
At first I thought that focusing on symbols was the teachers problem, and that they were teaching books the worng way. Well it turns out it is the idiots fault. If they would just be smarter than the teacher could focus on the important things.
These are the things that cause me to lose hope in humanity, and be a dark stormy rain cloud. I do not hate everyone. I hate stupid people. They need to stop being sooooo stupid.
People please stop being stupid. PLEASE!!!!!
Dear readers, if you fit in the catogory of stupid people and if you can relate to the descriptions I have given, please for the love of all the is good and holy get some help. Become less stupid. PLEASE! For the sake of humanity and for the future CHANGE! And if not for others do it for yourself. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life being an idiot? Having people judge you because you never know what you are talking about. Is that really what you want from your life?
If you do not relate with the examples I gave keep calm and carry on. If you aren't stupid don't worry. Don't fret you are doing it right. If you can understand symbols or know who Zesus is you don't need to worry.
I get angry at myself when I cannot remember the Roman aspect of a Greek God. I cannot imagine a world in which you would not know who Zesus is. I cannot imagine life being sooooo stupid.
So stupid people stop being stupid and stop IRRITATING me!!
And smart people keep calm and carry on.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Starting Up

Hello People,
My name is Lindsey not actually Nancy as my blogger profile leads you to believe. I use the name Nancy because it encompasses the person I am. At the young age of 17 I am already a housewife. Not literally. I am not married, but I act like one. I cook. I clean. I knit. I have a very exciting life!
I already have two blogs but they are oriented towards cooking and reading and I need somewhere to rant and rave about all of the things on my mind. So that's why we are here. I have high doubts people will read this, but I do my blogs for myself.
Here on Life by Lindsey's Rules I will explain to the way life should be according to me. I am not the most normal person, but than again who is? So I will explain to what I think of the world and the people in it.
When I get onto a subject that I am passionate about I probably look like a crazy person. Actually I know I look crazy. My hands start flying ever where, my voice gets higher, and my face gets redder. I must look crazy a lot. (Hehe, you wont see any of that because this is a blog.)
Today I am going to talk to you about books being mad in to movies. Two words. BAD IDEA. Books based off movies are always a hallow shell of their inspiration. There is absolutely no way a 200, 300, 400, or more page book can be crammed into an hour and half of film. Its like trying to do the impossible. Hollywood needs to stop making movies from books. They need to tell the lazy people watching the movie to go read the book. There is a place call a library where you can go in and check out the book for FREE. It cost no money to read the book. Maybe instead of spending 8 dollars or more to go see a poor imitation of the book, you should should actually READ the book. I know it's a crazy idea, but I believe in you. I believe that you can do it. You can read!
One shinning example of this is the Harry Potter books. There is no way a 700 page book can be made into a movie and keep the same amazingness as the book. There is no way in heaven or hell this can be done, unless the movie is 3 or 4 hours long. Personally I would not object to watching a 4 hour movie about Harry Potter.
Harry Potter is not the only awful movie made from a book. In school we are reading the amazing, fantastic, moving, inspriation, life-changing, classic book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. After finishing a portion of this  book we watch part of the movie interprtation of the book. One word. AWFUL! This book, neh this work of art, cannot be cut down or watered down and made into a movie. There are so many inaccuarcies and flaws in the movie that it is hard to believe it still has the same meaning or affect as the book. I could hardly sit and watch this movie for 45 minutes. I made me sad to watch something so beautiful stripped down and made into something so hard to watch.
It irriates me that people think they can take a perfectly good peice of fiction and twist it and change it for them to use as a movie script. Plays, short stories, or novelles can be made into movies, but not books. Never books. Books should stay as books and movies should be movies. If you want to know what happened in a book, just read it. It won't kill you. I promise. So please join my plea and help me stop people from making movies from books. PLEASE! We must stop this awful act against the human race. If we join together we can help people become more intelgent by reading, and help filmmakers become more creative by forcing them to come up with their own matrial.
Please help me in fight againist stupidity!
Until next time dear readers,