Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Save the Hands

Dear Readers,
My strange optimism from yesterday has vanished as predicted. Today was a moderately good day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, and what can be expected from a Monday. Of course I did find something to complain about today. Clapping. This strange phenomenon is something perplexes me. Why does slapping your hands together show appreciation for what someone is saying or doing. Wouldn't it be better to give them your full attention and actually listening to what they were saying instead of hitting your big paws aganist one another. I personally feel more appreciated when people listen to what I say.
I was curious about when and why this weird tradition started so I went to source of knowledge and wisdom, the INTERWEB!! Wop Wop! And sadly I found nothing useful. Most soruces said that it started to become common in when Romans and Greeks would encourag the audicence to applaud at the end of a play. But what I couldn't find was why it started. So if you can find that I would appreciate it if you would share the information with me, dear readers.
But really has no one else looked at people while the clap. They look like seals slaping their fins together. People look rediculous clapping. And clapping after everything someone says is worse. It's the worst during political debates or speechs. People clap after about every sentence. Really? Do you need to clap that much. Like, Really how much does that show how much you like what they are saying?
It doesn't you just look STUPID!!
Are the appandages at the end of our arms really meant for that? Can't our hands be doing something more useful that hitting each other. They can be writing, creating, speaking through sign langauge, helping, holding, and providing comfort. Out hands do not be slapped together. It hurts, and you look like a seal. They can be put to such better use than a clap.
If you really appreciate or enjoy what someone is saying or doing tell them. A vocal comment will make them feel so much better about themselves than you  slapping your extermites together.
So please for me and for youself stop looking like a seal and use the langauge you speak to show your appreacation.
Please Save the Hands and Use Your Words!!

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