Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stupid People Irritate Me

Hello People,
Toady I am going to rant to you about stupid people. Currently I just have all of this rage built up on account of idiots. Most people I talk to are convinced I hate humanity. That is false. I don't hate everyone I just hate stupid people. We all know who I am talking about. People who never know what their talking about, never know what their doing, and have know drive to learn the right thing to do or the right thing to say. Those people just really push my buttons. Stupid people irritate me. They make me want the throw things, mash things, and kill cute cuddly things. If those people are the future or our race then please just kill me now.
Currently I am a senior in high school. You would think that as seniors in high school, after 12 years of schooling, people would be able the think for themselves and form some sort of intelligent thought. Well think again. Here are just a few examples.
While talking about Zesus the greek god, probably the most well known Greek God, some girl asks if we are talking about Zoosk, the online dating service. Really? Really?
While reading books in class you can clearly see stupid people at their finiest (or would it be their worst? Well you get the idea). As seniors in high school people should be able to identify and comprehend symbols on their own. But oh no! That's to hard. We need to have teachers tell exactly what to get from a book. We need to spend all of our time talking about symbols because they can't find them by themselves. So instead of talking about the themes (the real reason the book was written) we spend all of our time talking about symbols. Really?!?! REALLY?
At first I thought that focusing on symbols was the teachers problem, and that they were teaching books the worng way. Well it turns out it is the idiots fault. If they would just be smarter than the teacher could focus on the important things.
These are the things that cause me to lose hope in humanity, and be a dark stormy rain cloud. I do not hate everyone. I hate stupid people. They need to stop being sooooo stupid.
People please stop being stupid. PLEASE!!!!!
Dear readers, if you fit in the catogory of stupid people and if you can relate to the descriptions I have given, please for the love of all the is good and holy get some help. Become less stupid. PLEASE! For the sake of humanity and for the future CHANGE! And if not for others do it for yourself. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life being an idiot? Having people judge you because you never know what you are talking about. Is that really what you want from your life?
If you do not relate with the examples I gave keep calm and carry on. If you aren't stupid don't worry. Don't fret you are doing it right. If you can understand symbols or know who Zesus is you don't need to worry.
I get angry at myself when I cannot remember the Roman aspect of a Greek God. I cannot imagine a world in which you would not know who Zesus is. I cannot imagine life being sooooo stupid.
So stupid people stop being stupid and stop IRRITATING me!!
And smart people keep calm and carry on.

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