Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Place of Learning

Dear Readers,

Today I learned that the library is truly a place of knowledge. I found a children's book that completely agrees with me and my hatred of corgis. The book is called Dogzilla. It is truly terrifying.
So a dirty, nasty ass corgi comes out of its evil layer in a volcano and attacks a small town of mice just trying to have a cook out. The mice are scared shitless, but they come up with a brilliant plan. They plan to chase Dogzilla back to its layer with the threat of a bath. Of course since it is a nasty ass corgi the dog is super afraid of soap and scurries back to it layer with it small disgusting tail between it's horribly disproportionate legs.
It is a great book! Finally a children's book stop idolizing the dumb animals called mans friend!
I also found some books about caring, kindness, and being a good friend. Since I have been called a bitch multiple times recently I thought that these would be worth me reading, and I was not disappointed! I laughed so hard I nearly pissed my pants. They books gave wonderful suggestions how to care more and how to be kind to more people. Just what this super mean bitch needed!
At the end of the books there were little quiz with question about caring and kindness. They also provided you with very clever mantras to repeat all day to make you a better person!
"I really care about people!"
"I want to be kind to everyone!"
How the fuck would the help you be a better person!?!?!? I have no idea!!! It certainly wouldn't help me. Atleast the books gave me a good laugh. The made me happier and hopefully when I am happier I won't be a stone cold bitch.
So truly libraries are a places of learning and fun!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Hate Shitty Movies

Dear Readers,

It has been so hot, dear readers. I have been working at the pool, and I kinda want to die. It sucks. People are awful. Kids are poorly taught by their parents on what are appropriate manners in public places. And what sucks most of all is the heat! Oh well the sweat is unclogging my pores right?
So besides people at the pool being stupid, recently I have also realized some stupidity in my actions.
Up until recently I believed that the Star Wars prequels were okay movies. But, dear readers, I have seen the light. I have been shown the truth, and I feel strangely enlightened. I have a friend who continually tells me that those movies are crap, but I never understood why. I watched them with an unthinking mind. I was draw into the trap that many others have succumbed to. I believed that these movies had to be good because they were Star Wars, and of course if the other movies were good these had to be good too, right? Well, dear readers, I was completely and totally wrong.
The movies are probably some of the shittiest movies ever made. The plot line, characters, and everything else that is suppose to make a story good are seriously whacked up in these movies. None of the characters have distinct personalities. None of the plot lines make any sense. And basically everything else in the movies is shit.
I was blinded by the special affects and battle scenes that had about twenty things going on at the same time. I could not clearly see what was wrong because the mind numbing action took over. The blurs of color on the screen dulled my mind until I thought that the characters actions made sense, that the plot line was clearly moving somewhere, and that I could relate to the characters.
Of course you could say that I am now judging these movies to harshly. I think not. Being a big fantasy and sci-fi reader, I have an expectation of should be included in the genre. The same thing that applies to books carries over to movies. If these movies made any sense then I could excuse some of the things that are wrong. But they are completely nonsensical. I feel that it would be in character is Queen Amidala started quoting Jabberwocky during the movie.
So if you feel like watching Star Wars please for the love of all that is good and holy watch the original trilogy! If you accidentally  watch the prequels, watch these videos so that you understand why these sucks so much. Plinkett Reviews. They do swear a bit so if you are around young ears, your parents, people who think that swearing and foul language is wrong don't be a dumb ass and put in some head phones!
Well hopefully you do not repeat my stupidity. My goal here is to rid the world of the stupidity that I find, so it is weird that this stupidity was my fault. I guess it was statistically bound to happen sometimes right? So dear readers get out there stop being stupid, teach your kids manners, don't watch the Star Wars Prequels, and live life by my rules!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pretty Good Day

Dear Readers,

Today has been a pretty good day dear readers. I worked for most of the day, and I guess that wasn't so bad. I have four hours of over time this weekend and that is really nice. I also worked with my baby brother, and I love that kid so that was nice. Oh Cole Bear. (He isn't actually a baby, he is only one and half years younger than me.) 
After work I went on a razzle date with Bear. What is a razzle date, you may ask dear readers. Well, a local gas station has their own version of a blizzard, and it is called a razzle. Cole loves them. He wanted to go get one and so we went. We both got cookie dough, and it was super yummy. 
I love spending time with my baby brother. He is awesome. I believe that I will actually miss him next year when I go off to college. This is a some what strange feeling because really no one ever likes their siblings, or so I am told. But dear readers I feel as I age I appreciate my siblings more. I truly love them, and life without them will be different. 
Enough of this sentimental shit. I have a few other reasons that this is a good day. The Batman came to my house today!! No sadly, dear readers, I do not mean the super hero. I know that is a bummer. A man who actually deals with bats for a live came to my house today to bat proof our roof, and to install this tube to help gets bats out of our house. Yes, there are bats in my house! It's like having a few more friends around. They aren't flying around inside the house, but there are living in the walls. Well, they were living in the walls. But now they are forced to leave. Oh well, at least I can say the Batman came to my house!! 
So today was a very successful happy today. I fell like tomorrow will be the same. My skin and hair will soak in a little more chlorine, I will work a few hours, maybe finish my book, and go swimming with my friends. 
This, dear readers, is why I like summer. The heat sucks, but I lurve the pretty good days.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Be Cool, Follow the Rules!

Dear Readers,

It's hot... It's hot in Topeka... I am a hot toe picker...
If you know what that is from you are awesome, if you don't stop being stupid and figure it out. 
But really it's hot. It is really hot. So I am lying in my air conditioned house and not doing a damn thing. I love it. No work today!!! 
I have been working like none stop since the beginning of summer. I am either at the pool or the library... 
So I haven't had a chill day for a while! So today is great!!! And now I have a laptop! Woop Woo! So now I can have fun and be in bed at the same time! Oh wait... that sounds kinda weird. I mean that... well... that I can be on the interwebs and laying in bed at the same time! That's what I mean!! 
In honor of it being hot I will tell you some safety rules about swimming. Every morning we do a safety lesson in swimming lessons and this is basically what the lesson was this morning.
Be Cool, Follow the Rules!
That means don't be stupid and listen to the lifeguards. We are there to keep you safe. We are not telling you to stop doing this to kill the fun, we are trying to keep you from killing yourself. So don't be a dumb fuck and follow the rules! It doesn't matter if you are in swimming lessons or swimming normally at the pool you need to listen. God gave you ears for a reason. Use them!!!
So yeah that was basically what I said to the children this morning... Almost! Haha...
Well follow the rules at the pool! And remember to follow my rules and your life will just be so much better!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

La Vie En Rose

Dear Readers,

"It is late at night, and someone across the way is playing 'La Vie En Rose'. It is the French way of saying, 'I am looking at the world through rose-coloured glasses,'  and it says everything I feel. I have learned so many things, Father. Not just how to make vichyssoise or calf’s head with sauce vinaigrette, but a much more important recipe. I have learned how to live… how to be in the world and of the world… and not just to stand aside and watch. And I will never, never again run away from life… or from love, either"

That is a quote from one of my all time favorite movies. Sabrina. Not the shitty version with Harison Ford in it. No the original version with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn. That version is down right beautiful. Of course, the movie does have haters who say that it is simple, boring, and has no complexity. But I find that to be part of the appeal. The simpleness of the story, the simpleness of the characters, and the simple but    wonderful plot just make the movie.
My favorite scene is the one I quoted at the top. Sabrina is sitting in her apartment in Paris. It is a few weeks before she is graduating from the cooking school she was sent there for. As she writes a letter to her father La Vie En Rose drifts across the street to her window. Her words clearly signal her coming of age. Paris was about much more then learning how to make complicated french dishes; it turned out the be a place of learning for the young Sabrina. Something about the song and the words Sabrina writes gets me everything.
That scene, that song can make me forget almost any of my cares. I makes me want to go dance out in the street. I makes me want to travel to Paris meet a Baron, get a stylish haircut and new wardrobe, and learn how to live.
This movie makes me forget about the hatred swelling in my heart for Paranormal Teen Romance Novels, which is a hard thing to do because I have sworn that if I ever learn how to blow up things with my mind that section in Barnes and Nobles will be the first to go. It makes me forget the mass amount of work I have to do, which includes cleaning, getting swimming lessons things together, and working everyday. It makes me forget everything.
I feel so damn wistful and hopeful for the future, while watching to movie. If I could I would slip into the black and white version of Long Island. It is so peaceful, beautiful, and just about as close to heaven on earth as I have seen. The beautiful dresses, the sharp looking men, the wonderful parties, the picturesque houses, and the soothing and class music. All of it seems so damn perfect! Why can't I have that in Northwest Iowa?  Why can't normal life be like 1950's New York?
If you think I am crazy for wanting that (which you probably do because most people think I am crazy), watch the movie. Listen to La Vie En Rose, and you will understand the wistful feeling. The if you are still a doubter, I would like to advise you to go jump in a well and don't make a lot of noise because no one wants Lassie to find you. Please don't rain on my parade. I am allowed some happiness after Barnes and Nobles stole all of it away, after they crushed my faith in the human race by making a section specifically for Paranormal Teen Romance. I allowed some happiness after being super busy. I allowed some happiness so don't you dare fuck it up. Just go watch to movie, and you will understand my happiness!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Breakfast Should Have Dessert!

Dear Readers,

Today dear readers I would like to share a strong belief of mine. Breakfast should have dessert. Why is breakfast the one meal of the day that goes with out something sweet at the end? What happened to the good old English breakfasts. Good old fashion breakfast ifs what we need! Breakfast with different options. No more soggy cereal, reheated waffles, or smelly eggs.
We should have hearty breads, multiple types of marmalade and jam, strong teas and coffees, bacon, ham, properly cooked eggs (even though I would never eat them), succulent fruits, and at the end a fresh made tart or pie to finish off the meal!
Breakfast has become the forgotten meal, and that needs to stop. The food we eat nowadays for breakfast is shit. It is awful! I hate breakfast cereals. They are soggy, and gross, and very plain. Toast can get very boring. Bagels are okay but can be very bland. English muffins are muffins or English. Instant oatmeal is either super lumpy or really runny. The must stop!
We need to start up good breakfasts again. Especially ones with desserts. Is it fair that the noon and evening meals get dessert, and the morning meal is deprived of the most important part. No it is not fair!!
Please don't tell me that most of the food we eat for breakfast now is too sweet to have dessert because you know you are lying. Every meal needs something sweet!
So next time you reach for the boxed cereal, a bowl, and a spoon, stop yourself! Don't go there! Eat a proper breakfast and don't forget the dessert at the end!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Me Bitching and My Life Lessons

Dear Readers,

So I just got done having a bonfire. I had a huge glass of really strong iced coffee so I am still kicking after putting everything back in its place, driving two of my friends who lost their car keys home, and washing all of my dishes. Since I am still so awake I decided it would be wonderful idea to blog and eat a shit ton of Nutella straight from the container. It sounded like a really good idea, and it is turning out the be a brilliant idea! I LOVE Nutella! It is honestly one of the best things I have ever eaten. It joins the list with escargot, green bean casserole, and  orange dream pops.
The bonfire was super fun I guess... I would be lying if I didn't say I was really looking forward to it. I love hanging out with my friends. I will miss them next year when I am off at college. But you know sometimes friends get on your nerves. Tonight made me realize why I really don't like some of my friends. Sometimes tell people that they might make people cry is not the best way to remain friends with them. The kid wasn't really telling me that I make people cry, but by telling me that I don't really know he was insinuating it.
I don't really feel like going in depth on the things that people did when I told them not to. I will just leave it at teenage boys are definitely dumb fucks.
Don't get me started on people leaving and not staying to help clean up the huge mess they made. Yeah that was fun! Thankfully I forced the people who lost their keys to stay and help me clean before I gave them a ride home.
I also really enjoy people who we did not invite coming. I know that they are also my friends, but sometimes they are not invited as to make situations less awkward.
But hey I had fun! I talked to loud. I drank to much coffee. I inhaled way too much smoke from the fire (not from cigarettes or pot). I laughed to much. And currently I am eating to much Nutella.
So I would like to raise my spoon full of this wonderful creamy nutty chocolaty substance. I would like to dedicate this post to friends I love, friends I hate, friends who piss me off, friends who make things fun, friends who kill the fun when they arrive at parties, friends who kill the fun when they leave the parties, friends who need rides home, friends who couldn't make it, the person who invited s'mores, the person who posted the iced coffee recipe I found, the geniuses who thought of sun-tea, the idiots that keep my life interesting, the people make me smile from just being in their presence, inside jokes, hair that smells like smoke, parents who let me have friends over, friends who help me plan things, leaving high school behind, new life mottoes, not caring, and of course the makers of Nutella (who are actually in Canada not Europe, the illusion is shattered. I hope your life can continue).
So here is a rule for you, Don't worry, be happy!
The old song lyrics actually have some truth! Guys will be dumb fucks, girls will be bitches, you will read to far into situations, people will say stupid things, shit will happen. But really stop worrying. Life will go on. You will eventually find some way to be happy. It may come in a plastic container, or in a person's smile, or in an inside joke, or in the simple joy of being with people who love. But stop worrying. It will come. That is truly the best advice I can give. Stop worrying! Decide to dance in the rain. Let your friends play with the fire if it makes them happy. Eat half a container of sugary chocolate nut spread if it makes you feel good! Stop worrying and live your life!
If this summer is going to teach me anything it will be that if you want it done you do it yourself, and to stop WORRYING!!
So stay classy and sassy my friends! Always remember that caring is sharing, which is why herpes were invented!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Things That Make Me Feel Like a Bad Ass

Dear Readers,

There are few things in life that make me feel like a bad ass. I would like to tell you them!
Number One: Drinking grapes KoolAid in the living room when my parents are gone. My stupid ass southern friends and I were talking about things that we do when our parents aren't home, and that was my answer. Most people throw parties, steal from their parents liquor cabinets, and have mass amounts of fun (or at least that is what movies lead me to believe). But that is not for me that only thing I need to feel awesome and rebellious is drinking grape drank. My father hates it when we drink or eat things in the living room that could stain the carpet, so when he isn't home I break out the chocolate syrup, grape drank, dark pop, and cheesy chips. Woop Woo! Look we got a bad ass over here!
Number Two: Gun Club. Oh what is Gun Club you ask? Well let me explain! Actually Gun Club isn't a real things. It is the girls name for a group that my guy friends are in called S.W.O.R.D. Sword is lame. It is basically Larping. If you don't know what that is get off your lazy ass, get a life, know things, and google it. The only difference between Sword and Larping is that the boys who play sword don't wear costumes. Larping is a little funnier to watch, but knowing that boys (and yes they are really boys not men not males they only deserved to be called boys) play this sort of thing makes me feel very bad ass. I just got back from watching them play, and I laughed so much my stomach hurts. They are ridiculous! Watching them makes me feel better about myself because I don't look retarded, and makes me feel happy that I know people who do that.
Number Three: Rap music. Surprised? Yes I do listen to rap music. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel like a bad ass. Okay mostly just B.O.B, but I still feel awesome. It swears, talks about drinking and drugs, and is in general profane and makes me happy. I feel so boss sitting at home alone with no friends blogging and listening to rap. It is awesome and I have a life.
Number Four: Stay up late. For some reason reading until 1:30 in the morning still makes me feel rebellious and disrespectful. I know my parents don't even care anymore, but there is a part of me that says I am staying up past my bedtime.
Number Five: Swearing. Normally I look like a cute little teenage girl. I wear bows I my curly hair, cute dresses on my womanly frame, and cute flats on my not so girly feet, but I feel so bad ass swearing like a sailor. It freaks people out and I love it! But you should keep my foul language a secret because I am still putting on a good face for the authority figures in my life. They don't know the bad ass side of me.
Number Six: Last and certainly least, reading books and watching movies meant for adults. I am still not legally an adult, do I feel so bad ass when I read or watch things that use profane language and have adult content. I have been reading books that were above me age level since I was learned to read. It makes me like a bad ass for ignoring the age recommendation and more mature than people my age which makes me feel better than them. Two of my favorite feelings! So bring on those romance books and those rated "R" movies!
So there you have it! The things that make me feel like a bad ass. Some may seam silly to you, but keep those thoughts in you head because I have a key to the pool now and I am not afraid to go into you house at night tie you up take you to the pool and throw you in holding a brick. So dear readers keep living life and feeling like a bad ass!