Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Place of Learning

Dear Readers,

Today I learned that the library is truly a place of knowledge. I found a children's book that completely agrees with me and my hatred of corgis. The book is called Dogzilla. It is truly terrifying.
So a dirty, nasty ass corgi comes out of its evil layer in a volcano and attacks a small town of mice just trying to have a cook out. The mice are scared shitless, but they come up with a brilliant plan. They plan to chase Dogzilla back to its layer with the threat of a bath. Of course since it is a nasty ass corgi the dog is super afraid of soap and scurries back to it layer with it small disgusting tail between it's horribly disproportionate legs.
It is a great book! Finally a children's book stop idolizing the dumb animals called mans friend!
I also found some books about caring, kindness, and being a good friend. Since I have been called a bitch multiple times recently I thought that these would be worth me reading, and I was not disappointed! I laughed so hard I nearly pissed my pants. They books gave wonderful suggestions how to care more and how to be kind to more people. Just what this super mean bitch needed!
At the end of the books there were little quiz with question about caring and kindness. They also provided you with very clever mantras to repeat all day to make you a better person!
"I really care about people!"
"I want to be kind to everyone!"
How the fuck would the help you be a better person!?!?!? I have no idea!!! It certainly wouldn't help me. Atleast the books gave me a good laugh. The made me happier and hopefully when I am happier I won't be a stone cold bitch.
So truly libraries are a places of learning and fun!

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