Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Hate Shitty Movies

Dear Readers,

It has been so hot, dear readers. I have been working at the pool, and I kinda want to die. It sucks. People are awful. Kids are poorly taught by their parents on what are appropriate manners in public places. And what sucks most of all is the heat! Oh well the sweat is unclogging my pores right?
So besides people at the pool being stupid, recently I have also realized some stupidity in my actions.
Up until recently I believed that the Star Wars prequels were okay movies. But, dear readers, I have seen the light. I have been shown the truth, and I feel strangely enlightened. I have a friend who continually tells me that those movies are crap, but I never understood why. I watched them with an unthinking mind. I was draw into the trap that many others have succumbed to. I believed that these movies had to be good because they were Star Wars, and of course if the other movies were good these had to be good too, right? Well, dear readers, I was completely and totally wrong.
The movies are probably some of the shittiest movies ever made. The plot line, characters, and everything else that is suppose to make a story good are seriously whacked up in these movies. None of the characters have distinct personalities. None of the plot lines make any sense. And basically everything else in the movies is shit.
I was blinded by the special affects and battle scenes that had about twenty things going on at the same time. I could not clearly see what was wrong because the mind numbing action took over. The blurs of color on the screen dulled my mind until I thought that the characters actions made sense, that the plot line was clearly moving somewhere, and that I could relate to the characters.
Of course you could say that I am now judging these movies to harshly. I think not. Being a big fantasy and sci-fi reader, I have an expectation of should be included in the genre. The same thing that applies to books carries over to movies. If these movies made any sense then I could excuse some of the things that are wrong. But they are completely nonsensical. I feel that it would be in character is Queen Amidala started quoting Jabberwocky during the movie.
So if you feel like watching Star Wars please for the love of all that is good and holy watch the original trilogy! If you accidentally  watch the prequels, watch these videos so that you understand why these sucks so much. Plinkett Reviews. They do swear a bit so if you are around young ears, your parents, people who think that swearing and foul language is wrong don't be a dumb ass and put in some head phones!
Well hopefully you do not repeat my stupidity. My goal here is to rid the world of the stupidity that I find, so it is weird that this stupidity was my fault. I guess it was statistically bound to happen sometimes right? So dear readers get out there stop being stupid, teach your kids manners, don't watch the Star Wars Prequels, and live life by my rules!

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