Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Breakfast Should Have Dessert!

Dear Readers,

Today dear readers I would like to share a strong belief of mine. Breakfast should have dessert. Why is breakfast the one meal of the day that goes with out something sweet at the end? What happened to the good old English breakfasts. Good old fashion breakfast ifs what we need! Breakfast with different options. No more soggy cereal, reheated waffles, or smelly eggs.
We should have hearty breads, multiple types of marmalade and jam, strong teas and coffees, bacon, ham, properly cooked eggs (even though I would never eat them), succulent fruits, and at the end a fresh made tart or pie to finish off the meal!
Breakfast has become the forgotten meal, and that needs to stop. The food we eat nowadays for breakfast is shit. It is awful! I hate breakfast cereals. They are soggy, and gross, and very plain. Toast can get very boring. Bagels are okay but can be very bland. English muffins are muffins or English. Instant oatmeal is either super lumpy or really runny. The must stop!
We need to start up good breakfasts again. Especially ones with desserts. Is it fair that the noon and evening meals get dessert, and the morning meal is deprived of the most important part. No it is not fair!!
Please don't tell me that most of the food we eat for breakfast now is too sweet to have dessert because you know you are lying. Every meal needs something sweet!
So next time you reach for the boxed cereal, a bowl, and a spoon, stop yourself! Don't go there! Eat a proper breakfast and don't forget the dessert at the end!

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