Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Dear Readers,

The fat girl workouts continue. This morning I did some butt busting exercises. Now my buns and thighs kill!!! I am not super model thin yet, but I don't know if I ever want to get there.
Last night I was talking to my roommate about being fluffy. We are both wonderfully full figured women so she can relate to my tales. I was retelling the times of running the mile in physical education (which is the dumbest class ever). I was always last finishing the mile. The assholes who finished before me thought it would be just so kind to stand near the end and cheer me on. That was a mistake. When you make a fat person run the mile they won't be happy already, so don't stand there and mock them for running slow. You think you are helping by cheering on the pudgy kid coming in last but you're not, you're making it worse.
When I was in tracking in middle school (I was forced to be in the sport, it was not my choice. Fat people shouldn't run) the entire track team came to run with me. That was even worse than cheering. It's not like I had a bum leg or had some disease that cause my legs to be crippled. I could run just fine, but I was FAT not DISABLED. Being fat does make it harder to run, but no cheering or running with me would help. I just don't understand these people thinking. "Hey that fat girl is running really slow. I don't know if she can make it one more block to the school. Maybe if we have the whole team of 50 teens go run with her then she would run faster..." Yeah she will run faster because she wants to run away from the humiliation.
Next time you feel like it would be a good idea to cheer on a fatty rethink it. We don't need your acknowledgement of how slow we are. We are know we are walking up that last hill. We know that our time will be really slow and a few more seconds really won't both us. So don't even open your mouth. Don't even move to watch us wobble across the finish line.
To you fluffy people who understand me, carry on. You are perfectly fine. Running? Whats the need? People used to run from dinosaurs, wild animals, other people, and bad shit like that but now we have cars so there is absolutely no need to do that. If any one every tries to cheer you on look them dead in the eye and tell them to shove it because you are fat not handicap.

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