Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Dear Readers,
I am in a strangly happy mood today. I know I am generally angry and sarcastic, but after doing AMAZING at indivdual speech yesterday and watching and extremely cute movie today I don't know how I could be cynical.
I am in Indivdual Speech and I LOVE it! That and quizbowl are my favorite school activites. Yeah, kinds nerrdy I know. Yesterday was our first contest, and I just did soooooo much better than I thought I was going to. I love speech. Espeically indivdual speech. It's a group of indivduals who love doing what they are doing. No one is being forced to do it, which makes it so much more fun. People who want to do something have a better time doing it.
And I just finished watching the cutest movie. 500 Days of Summer. Some people would watch this movie and think it is despressing, but I feel strangly happy after watching it. SPOILER ALERT. Sorry to explain why I like it I may have to tell you the ending, so if you have watched this movie keep reading. If you haven't seen this movie quit reading, go watch the movie, and then come back and finish reading!
Of course it is depressing that he does not get the girl he really wants in the end. But There is hopeful. The movie ends on such a happy and hopeful note that I was left smiling from ear to ear.
It lest me feeling so optimistic. And this is a very strange feeling since I am generally negative Nancy. I am not sure how I feel about being optimistic. It's like seeing the world through completely new eyes. Tomorrow it might change, but for today the world is happy and the sun is shining. (It actaully was shining all day which made this cold winter day feel so much warmer.)
I am not sure if this optimism is here to stay so don't expect me to be all happy go lucky now, but at least you got to read one post without me hating on the world. So words of advice for you today, go watch 500 Days of Summer and find something that you love that can feel your heart with joy. Contrary to popular belief I do not hate everything. I have a little optimism in me, and things that I love pull it out of the dark depths of my soul. So thank you for letting me be happy and myself for once. Don't expect it to stay because tomorrow is another day, but we all need to bask in the sun for at least one day and today was my day.
Stay skeptically optimistic my friends!

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