Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Dear Readers,

I have learned a leason this week. Life goes on.
I guess I have heard it before but it never really sank in. Stuff happens, and you have to let it happen. Don't get to caught up in your problem. The past few weeks ahve been really stressful, and the next few are sure to be, too. Between now and the end of May there is prom, Tulip Festival (A big dutch festival in the town where I live. I am stupid and got involved in the band, Dutch Dozen, and the town musical), and graduation. I have 15 days left of school in which I have to read a book and write a paper about it, finish a memior project, make a presentation about a Shakespeare play (actually I have to finish the play first), and make sure my grades stay up. I am stretched very thin.
I have been listening the songs Float On by Modest Mouse and L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N by Noah and the Whale, and they have really conected with. I already said that I have prom soon. Prom... It is supposedly the biggest night of high school. Personally I sort of feel like it's a joke. It is way to much work, and people get way to worked up about it. There is so much prom drama that I feel like someone might end up dead. It is rediculous. I want to sit everyonr down and make them listen to these two songs.
The reason I am not going to dinner with you is not because I hate you it is because I want to go somewhere else, yes I have a date and you don't by it will be okay, I don't really care who we take pictues with, it is none of your bussiness why those two people aren't going together anymore. Everyone just COOL YOUR JETS!!!
Prom is one night. It is less then 12 hours. After that night is over it won't matter anymore. No matter how much you think it won't life will go on. This will be okay. We will all float on.
People get way to worked up about everything. Like I said before stuff happens. Bad things happen, good things happen, but you just have to roll with the punches. I promise that you will be okay. Don't take life to seriously.
I have found out my senior year that you need to let things go. Of course, I am not always the best person at this, but I am getting better. This happens and life goes on. You float on. Things change and what you thought was important in high school won't be important anymore. Please for the sake of humanity do not dwell on things. Look to the future because staying stuck in the past with screw over the rest of your life.
If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed go listen to Float On and L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. You will understand what I am saying. These songs speek volumes on this point. You have to let things go. I have to let things go. Prom will be over on Friday. Tulip Festival will be over in two weeks. High School will be over in a month. I am leaving and changing. I can let this go. Thank you Modest Mouse and Noah and the Whale for helping me come to this conclusion. I really jsut need to keep repeating the life goes on. I need remember that soon I will float on. Soon I will be gone, and none of this will be as important as it is now. I need to not get to worked up about things.
So remember don't be stupid and float on, children.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lindsey's 10 Commandments

Dear Readers, Today I shall share Lindsey's 10 Commandments with you. These are rules that you should live you life by. So read them and put them to good use!!1. Don't be stupid.
     What does this mean?
      -This needs no explanation.
2. Shoot First. Sightsee Later.
     What does this mean?
      -If you don't get this refer to commandment one, and google it, then watch it, then understand the  meaning of life.
3. Thou movie shall always be worse then the book.
     What does this mean?
      -The movie will always suck. Always! Do not question.
4. L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N
    What does this mean?
     -Life goes on. Try not to get to caught up in the past. The past is there to help you live better in the future. Learn from your mistakes and move on. (This is also a super awesome song by Noah and the Whale. Stop what you are doing, and listen to it!!)
5. Grammar, and speling are dum.
      What does this mean?
       -I hate hate hate when people tell me that I speell things wrong or put, commas, in, random, places. Really? You think I don't know how bad I am at spelling? Spelling is the only thing in school that I have ever gotten a F in, so how about you just shut up stop making me feel bad about me.
6. Be yourself
     What does this mean?
      -Do not ever let anyone tell you to be anything different then you are. You need to be you. Never let anyone tell you who to be. Be true to yourself.
7. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
     What does this mean?
      -Simply put, give a guy food and he will love. All men are suckers for food. Especially teenage ones. Girls, if you want a boy in high school skip the pretty make-up and dresses, and make your crush some food. No one can resist a girl who can bake.
8. There is always room for jello.
     What does this mean?
      - No matter how full you are there is always always room for jello.
9. Don't argue with an idiot.
    What does this mean?
     - You will never win when arguing with an idiot, just let them think they are smarter than you and go on living.
10. Violence is not the answer, Rock Paper Scissors is.
       What does this mean?
        -Any problem of you have can be solved by Rock Paper Scissors. A good old best two out of three can solve who gets the girl, who is right, who  get the child, who wins a court case. There is no need to resort to guns or weapons, RPS will always be the best solution!

Here are my ten commandments, do these and you will be fine. If you mess you remember commandment 4. But never forget commandment 1. We need to save humanity from the hole is going into now. So band together with me. Will you join in my crusade? Will you be strong and stand with me? Remember to stay calm and don't be stupid.
P.S. (That means post script in case you didn't know. It is a little bit added on the end of a letter.) This is not meant to be offensive or blashpemous, just funny and very truthful.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nebraska, I Would Rather Die Without You and I

Dear Readers, This weekend we went down to visit my brother at college. He goes to college at Concordia in Seward, Nebraska. Seward is about 30 minutes outside of Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska for you idiots out there who don't even know where Nebraska. While on the trip down I found a new love for my home state.
Right now I live in the middle of now-where. I live in the tippy top corner of Iowa, where everything smells like cow and pig manure, every window has a view of a corn field, and I have to drive 45 minutes to get to a city big enough to have a real mall. Life is hard here. Once upon a time I loved in Lincoln. After 5th grade my family decided to job, so my father could work at the cooperate office for Diamond Vogel (the paint company he has worked at for 23 years). I grew up in Lincoln. I love Lincoln. I love Nebraska. I love everything about it. Some people say that it is flat and boring and that every part of Nebraska looks the same. Well everything will look the same if you drive on the interstate, stupid-head.
The interstate in Nebraska goes along the river, and in the river valley Nebraska is extremely flat and boring. But once you get into the country that I know it is beautiful. Weekends of my childhood were spent driving out to my grandpa's farm to gather as a family, so I have been exposed to this beauty since a young age.
Many people after learning I was from Nebraska like to say that Nebraska is flat and stupid and boring. Well, if you think that you have seen all a state has to offer from the interstate then you are stupid, and you should know by now that you need to stop being stupid.
Nebraska is beautiful. If you doubt me, then I will force you to take a road trip with me and I will prove you wrong. (I would just trust me because I am almost always right, and I cannot guarantee that a road trip with me would be super fun.) If Nebraska isn't beautiful and plentiful then why did many pioneers settle there, why did Willa Cather write books about the country side (if you don't know who Willa Cather is grow a brain and emerse your self into good literature). Why is Nebraska the 8th happiest out of the fifty states if it is sooooo boring and flat? Huh? Can you answer that? (crickets chrip) Oh, no you can't. Well there is my point proven without a road trip.
Nebraska is beautiful. You cannot say anything about it if you haven't been there or if you have only riden on the interstate. Judge Nebraska by the interstate is like me judging all corgis by my friend's ugly, fat ass, greasy corgy (which I do so I hate all corgis, but that is another topic for another time). Not the be cliche, but it is like judging a book by its cover. You just do not do that, unless you are stupid. I sure as hell hope you know better then to be stupid.
So in conclusion, Nebraska is beautiful, and if you don't think so you are stupid. Offend my home state and I will cut you. Don't doubt it. Your words will come back to bite you. Stop being stupid and get your facts straight.
Forever and always a Husker

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Much Ado About Shakespeare

Dear Readers,I now have a favorite Shakespeare play!!
I am loving Much Ado About Nothing. If you have never read this play stop being stupid and get off your butt and doing something useful with your life and read some great literature. Go read it!!!
Basic plot over view. There are a lot of happy people falling in love with happy people. A lot of fun. A lot of deception. And just in general a lot of awesomeness. So normal Shakespeare!
Main reason I love this play is because of Benedick and Beatrice. Two favorite Shakespeare characters! They "hate" each other at first. They have many many witting battles. Which is just so much fun to read. Some of the other characters decide to meddle in there lives and get Benedick and Beatrice to fall in love. As the walk by Benedick hiding in the bushes they talk about how much Beatrice loves him. Which is a lie at the time, but it makes Benedick think twice about her. Later Beatrice's cousin, Hero, also talks about how much Benedick loves Beatrice while in ear shot of her. They both fall madly in love for each other!
It is such a happy play, and after reading Othello exactly what I need. I also just love that fact the two people who were said to hate each other and never exchanged a nice word end up falling in love. Through out the beginning of the play you can see some underlying feelings of love, and it is just funny that once they hear the other loves them, they are free to love back. It just makes me smile.
I haven't even mentioned how wonderfully this play is written. I want to bow down to Mr. Shakespeare. He is a genius. The plot leaves me smiling, but the writting leaves me laughing, crying, and over flowing with emotion. How can writing be so beautiful? How can words cause so much emotion?
Fun Fact!! The Mumford and Sons song Sigh No More is from a line in this play!!
See I am not the only one inspired by Shakespeare.
Let us all thank William for sharing his brilliance with us. Let us forever cherish these words. And like I said before if you haven't read the play stop being stupid and read it!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dances Suck

Dear Readers (and stupid males who this post concerns),I just got home from my schools jazz band dance. I absolutely love jazz music. It is one of my favorite types of music!! So I was super pumped to go and just listen to the music. But it is called a dance. So it would have been nice to dance....
Yeah that didn't really happen.
Dancing with other girls is just not that fun. Not that fun. So here is a tip for all of you boys out there, ask us to dance because we want to dance. We do not just want to stand there in a big circle awkwardly looking around. Or at least I don't want to.
One guy made the comment that girls are scary, and then other males standing around agreed. Really? Girls are scary, and that is why you aren't asking them to dance? We are scary? We might say no? Oh, well! Most of the time we won't! (Unless the girl happens to be a bitch, and most girls are really good deep down inside and will not say no.) It's just a dance, it's not like we would be getting married. Dancing is just fun. So try it. If you are a senior in high school and you can't muster up the courage to ask a girl to dance because you are afraid of rejection, well then sir you have learned nothing from high school.
I really thought that girls having cooties was an elementary school thing, but apparently not. Girls want gentlemen. Girls want guys who are nice and ask you to dance. Girls don't want to have to be the person to ask. Girls don't want assholes, we want nice guys.
So if you are a teenage guy and you are reading this, here are some rules just for you! Ask a girl to dance! If you are standing there talking to her then just ask her to dance, she will most likely say yes! Ask! Stop standing on the other side of segregated lines afraid of cooties and rejection. Hey, here's something new you should know. Life is full of rejection and failure. But if you let the fear of rejection keep you from doing what you want then life is going to suck. So ask! She will say yes because it was very nice of you to ask! (If she says no it probably has something to do with you being an asshole or smelling bad, and you should fix that.)
Remember boys to make dances suck less ask a girl to dance!
Buck up some courage, and stop bring stupid.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wasting Time...

Dear Readers, I often waste my time and play sudoku and listen to music. Some people waste time on pinterest, some people waste time on reddit, some people waste time playing warlight, some people don't have laptops issued by their school and they waster their time watching tv or doing something super lame not on the computer.
Well I waste most of my time play sudoku. I wouldn't call it a waste though because I am developing amazing deductive reasoning skills. The fasted I have ever completed a sudoku is 3 minutes. I am very proud of this time (which is why I am telling you). It makes me feel smarter and better then everyone I talk to. When someone says something intelligent to me I want to say "Oh yeah well I can do a medium sudoku puzzle on in 3 minutes, so what now!" But most of the time this is a very inappropriate, so I just say it in my head and then go on feeling better about myself.
Maybe some of you consider reading this blog a waste of time. Well if that is you I have some words for you. Go die in a hole. And stop reading my blog!!
When wasting time I generally listen to music, like I am right now. I am listening to Some Nights by Fun. I love Fun. Haha there are so many awful puns to be made from that band name. If you have never heard a Fun song (pun) then you should get on top of that and go listen to one. Their song We Are Young makes me want to go out and do awesome stuff, video tape it, and then make video montage of all the awesome stuff I did with that song playing in the background. If you have heard the song you know exactly what I mean. I never seem to do anything awesome and video tape it though, so there goes that dream.
Nope, I just sit here and continue to waste my time.  I have a paper due on Friday. Two scholarship essays to type. Recipes to type for my independent study. Biscotti to finish. And a shitload of other things I could be doing. But nope I am going to continue to waste my time on useless things. But hey at the end of it all I will have the best deductive reasoning skills. If I were to have a super power it would probably be being a boss (I am saying boss for my sister who thinks no one uses that word) at deductive reasoning. So if my time wasting is actually building my super power, then am I really wasting time? I say no!! So I will continue to sit here and play my games and listen to my songs until I can do a sudoku in 2 minutes!
If you are going to waste time, don't be stupid make sure that your time wasting is building a super power for you.
Remember don't be stupid and live life by my rules.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fun Isn't Hard When You Have a Library Card

Dear Readers,First of all we must thank the Messy Mondays Guy for the title of this post. Today I watched the video You May Be a Home Schooler If... Well I am not a home schooler, but there were a few things I connected with due to the fact the I went to a private Lutheran elementary school and my family raised me with somewhat strict Christian values. One of the things I connected with is now the title of this post. So thank you Blimey Cow.
Second of all we must wish a very happy 182th birthday to Eadweard J. Muybridge. Besides taking pictures of horses to prove that at one point all of their legs are off the ground during a trot, he led a very interesting life. He once killed his wife's lover and got off clean by pleading insanity. He had a son, which is pretty cool. When he divorced his wife, he got custody of his son. He changed his name like five times. So overall he was a pretty cool man. Let us all wish Mr. Muybridge a very happy 182th birthday.
Third of all (if it is correct to say that) it is National Library Week!! Hooray! An entire week to celebrate how wonderful libraries are. I really think it should be longer then a week. Libraries really need to be appreciated year around. People today do not realize how awesome libraries are. They complain about the musty smell, the amount of fines they have, or how grumpy the librarians are. Well, as a librarian myself, let me say a few words for words for all of the amazing bookshelves, novel-finders, and library goddesses (and gods) out there.
There are a few ways to get on your librarians good side. Here are a few rules of thumb to live by while in the library.
1. Shhhhh!!!! Use your indoor voices. Libraries are quiet places for people to work, read, and use the computers. Libraries are not a hang out space, unless you and your friends are planning to hangout and read then we are all for that. When in a library you need to keep your voice down. I don't know if they aren't teaching this in schools now-a-days, but kids really don't understand indoor voices. If you shhh them they give you a strange look, stay quit for a few seconds, and then go back to talking again. I also have a strange theory that this phenomenon my also be due to a lack of discipline from the parents. They never scold or reprimand their kids, so the kids do not take orders from any authority figure. This is particually irritating to someone who is trying to keep a library quit. Next time you are in a library and decide that you need to talk, please for the love of everything good and holy keep your voice below a whisper.
2. Every book in the library has a special place on the shelves. When you move the books around, you make it so that no one can find the books. If you happen to taken a book of the shelf to look at the inside cover or read the first page, put the book back where it belongs. It is not hard to look at the spine and put the book in alphabetical or numerical order. If that happens to be to hard for you bring the book up to the front desk and we will gladly put the book back in its proper place for you. I would rather have someone come up the front desk with a stack of books for me to put away, then to go and find those books in the wrong place in the wrong section later. Remember if you do not want the book, find its special place on the shelf.
3. Libraries are not just for computers. That is a big shock, isn't it?!? Here is the number one way to get a librarian to like you, CHECK OUT BOOKS!!! I know it's a new and revolutionary idea, but trust me it will work. Libraries are meant for people to check out books, and when people come in and only play on the computers part of a bookworm's heart dies. It is hard to see the youth of our nation frivolously wasting their time on pointless computer games. The internet is a magnificent resource, but it is not ment to be used every minute of every day. Next time you find yourself bored and wonder into a library remember that there are adventures just waiting for you right on the shelves. You do not need to log onto the computer and play your rpg's. Just open up the pages of a good book, and you are in for a glorious time.
Please remember these three simple rules when in a library. They are really not that hard to follow. During this wonderful week we need to remember how amazing a library can be and respect these monuments to knowledge, wisdom, and adventure by making sure to use the library for good and not for evil. Remember that fun is never hard when you have a library card.
Happy National Library Week everyone!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bunnies Cannot Lay Eggs

Dear Readers,I feel like I should tell you all Happy Easter before I say anything else.
Easter is just one of the messed up holidays. This holiday, like Christmas, started out as a church holiday, and has morphed into no more then just a way for business to make more money.
Here is a little history lesson if you didn't know this already. Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus' birth. After years of living on earth, preaching, and healing people, Jesus was killed. On the Friday before Easter Jesus was hung on a cross the die; this day is called Good Friday. On Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. While he was dead he descended into hell and kicked the devil's hindquarters. When he came back all of our sins were forgiven.
Easter is a day to celebrate our Lord coming back and saving us. Easter is not a day to tell our children about the make believe bunny that comes and gives us candy. Santa I can understand because he is based of a real person, Saint Nicholas. But bunnies cannot get into people's houses and put eggs in baskets. First of all, how did the bunny get the eggs? Bunnies don't lay eggs! The only thing that bunnies can is have lots and lots of babies. And when I say lots I mean lots, they can have seven litters a year. That is a lot of baby bunnies. So how the hell did bunnies become part of the celebration of our Lord's rising from the dead.
Well, because they can have mass amounts of babies, bunnies are regarded as a sign fertility. Around spring they have even more babies. Also rabbits are said to be able to get pregnant with out having sex, so they are linked to the Virgin Mary. Eggs are also a sign of fertility. Birds lay eggs not the Easter bunny. And in the spring birds lay eggs.
So next time you think that it is fun to tell your kids the Easter bunny is real please remember the real meaning of rabbit and bunnies around spring time. Also remember the real meaning of Easter. It's a day to celebrate our Lord kicking butt and taking names. Not a day to eat candy (because candy should be eaten everyday, I mean everyday. Chocolate is necessary to life.).
Don't be stupid do your research and remember that bunnies cannot lay eggs.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Making Life Better One Stick of Butter at a Time

Dear Readers!Hello! I am a little excited right now! I feel good! I really do!!
Normally I complain about things that make my life awful and make me hate humanity. But today I would like to tell about things that make my shittiest days a little less shitty (and yes for all of you out there judging my speech, the day was covered in poop).
Number one thing FRESCA!! I love this pop. It is my favorite drink ever made. I love it so much. I was at the store today, and I had the random urge to by a 24 pack of Fresca. I followed that urge, and it was well wroth it. I love Fresca. Everyone else says that this drink is awful; don't believe them. Fresca is amazing. The closest thing to the taste of Fresca would be angel wings, yes I have tasted angel wings.
Second thing, children who love reading. I work at a library, and generally the library is a source of distress. But today the library made me smile. Children at the library normally ignore what libraries are actually for. Instead of reading the books they play computer games. They also don't understand that libraries are quite places, but that is another story for another time. When well behaved kids come into the library and they actually check out book my heart fills with joy. Today there were two girls that came into the library who were there a couple days earlier, and they returned and checked out about 5 books. It made me so happy. There was another girl who was just so excited to get her own library card. These little girls are the reason I work at a library.
The last thing that makes life less shitty is butter! I just made a pound cake with litterally a pound of butter in it. I love being in the kitchen, so making anything makes me happy. Somehow this cake makes me happier then normal. Really a pound of butter, how could that not make you happy. When the world calls you fat you make a cake with a pound of butter in it and feed it to the nay sayers so that those bitches can be fat with you.
So hopefully you can find joy in these things too because if you don't then you are stupid and you need to try harder and be a better person. Live your life, but make sure it is according to my rules!