Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Dear Readers,

I love food.
I love all food.
Food is just amazing. I don't understand how someone could not want to eat. Not only does food keep your body going, it has the potential to taste amazing!
Tonight for supper we had BLTs and corn on the cob. It was probably one of the best suppers I have ever eaten. Simple but tasty. It also contains some of the best food in the world BACON and CORN ON THE COB!!!!!!
I don't think there is a person out there with a soul who doesn't like bacon. If you don't like bacon you are probably going to hell. I am pretty sure Jesus once said that bacon is the way to heaven, right? Bacon probably has magically healing powers. If you are sick eat some and you feel better. If you have a flesh wound rub some bacon on it and feel better. Bacon is amazing. I don't think you could find a better food then bacon. It makes every food better. Salad, baked potatoes, pizza, sandwiches, cookies, everything. Bacon belongs on everything.
Corn on the cob joins this list of the best food in life. The best part is that you can't look good while eating it. You really just have to go for it. Your face will get dirty. There will be kernels flying everywhere. You will end up with things stuck in you teeth. Somehow those add to the awesomeness. You cannot eat sweet corn with out getting dirty. So stop trying to look dignified and proper pull up those sleeves, clamp your teeth down of the cob, and get down to business.
Few food are better on a summer night then bacon and corn on the cob. Actually I don't think it matter what time of day or year those are two of the best foods ever.
Get out there and eat some. Jesus wants you to.

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