Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bunnies Cannot Lay Eggs

Dear Readers,I feel like I should tell you all Happy Easter before I say anything else.
Easter is just one of the messed up holidays. This holiday, like Christmas, started out as a church holiday, and has morphed into no more then just a way for business to make more money.
Here is a little history lesson if you didn't know this already. Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus' birth. After years of living on earth, preaching, and healing people, Jesus was killed. On the Friday before Easter Jesus was hung on a cross the die; this day is called Good Friday. On Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. While he was dead he descended into hell and kicked the devil's hindquarters. When he came back all of our sins were forgiven.
Easter is a day to celebrate our Lord coming back and saving us. Easter is not a day to tell our children about the make believe bunny that comes and gives us candy. Santa I can understand because he is based of a real person, Saint Nicholas. But bunnies cannot get into people's houses and put eggs in baskets. First of all, how did the bunny get the eggs? Bunnies don't lay eggs! The only thing that bunnies can is have lots and lots of babies. And when I say lots I mean lots, they can have seven litters a year. That is a lot of baby bunnies. So how the hell did bunnies become part of the celebration of our Lord's rising from the dead.
Well, because they can have mass amounts of babies, bunnies are regarded as a sign fertility. Around spring they have even more babies. Also rabbits are said to be able to get pregnant with out having sex, so they are linked to the Virgin Mary. Eggs are also a sign of fertility. Birds lay eggs not the Easter bunny. And in the spring birds lay eggs.
So next time you think that it is fun to tell your kids the Easter bunny is real please remember the real meaning of rabbit and bunnies around spring time. Also remember the real meaning of Easter. It's a day to celebrate our Lord kicking butt and taking names. Not a day to eat candy (because candy should be eaten everyday, I mean everyday. Chocolate is necessary to life.).
Don't be stupid do your research and remember that bunnies cannot lay eggs.

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