Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Dear Readers,

I have learned a leason this week. Life goes on.
I guess I have heard it before but it never really sank in. Stuff happens, and you have to let it happen. Don't get to caught up in your problem. The past few weeks ahve been really stressful, and the next few are sure to be, too. Between now and the end of May there is prom, Tulip Festival (A big dutch festival in the town where I live. I am stupid and got involved in the band, Dutch Dozen, and the town musical), and graduation. I have 15 days left of school in which I have to read a book and write a paper about it, finish a memior project, make a presentation about a Shakespeare play (actually I have to finish the play first), and make sure my grades stay up. I am stretched very thin.
I have been listening the songs Float On by Modest Mouse and L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N by Noah and the Whale, and they have really conected with. I already said that I have prom soon. Prom... It is supposedly the biggest night of high school. Personally I sort of feel like it's a joke. It is way to much work, and people get way to worked up about it. There is so much prom drama that I feel like someone might end up dead. It is rediculous. I want to sit everyonr down and make them listen to these two songs.
The reason I am not going to dinner with you is not because I hate you it is because I want to go somewhere else, yes I have a date and you don't by it will be okay, I don't really care who we take pictues with, it is none of your bussiness why those two people aren't going together anymore. Everyone just COOL YOUR JETS!!!
Prom is one night. It is less then 12 hours. After that night is over it won't matter anymore. No matter how much you think it won't life will go on. This will be okay. We will all float on.
People get way to worked up about everything. Like I said before stuff happens. Bad things happen, good things happen, but you just have to roll with the punches. I promise that you will be okay. Don't take life to seriously.
I have found out my senior year that you need to let things go. Of course, I am not always the best person at this, but I am getting better. This happens and life goes on. You float on. Things change and what you thought was important in high school won't be important anymore. Please for the sake of humanity do not dwell on things. Look to the future because staying stuck in the past with screw over the rest of your life.
If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed go listen to Float On and L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. You will understand what I am saying. These songs speek volumes on this point. You have to let things go. I have to let things go. Prom will be over on Friday. Tulip Festival will be over in two weeks. High School will be over in a month. I am leaving and changing. I can let this go. Thank you Modest Mouse and Noah and the Whale for helping me come to this conclusion. I really jsut need to keep repeating the life goes on. I need remember that soon I will float on. Soon I will be gone, and none of this will be as important as it is now. I need to not get to worked up about things.
So remember don't be stupid and float on, children.

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