Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lindsey's 10 Commandments

Dear Readers, Today I shall share Lindsey's 10 Commandments with you. These are rules that you should live you life by. So read them and put them to good use!!1. Don't be stupid.
     What does this mean?
      -This needs no explanation.
2. Shoot First. Sightsee Later.
     What does this mean?
      -If you don't get this refer to commandment one, and google it, then watch it, then understand the  meaning of life.
3. Thou movie shall always be worse then the book.
     What does this mean?
      -The movie will always suck. Always! Do not question.
4. L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N
    What does this mean?
     -Life goes on. Try not to get to caught up in the past. The past is there to help you live better in the future. Learn from your mistakes and move on. (This is also a super awesome song by Noah and the Whale. Stop what you are doing, and listen to it!!)
5. Grammar, and speling are dum.
      What does this mean?
       -I hate hate hate when people tell me that I speell things wrong or put, commas, in, random, places. Really? You think I don't know how bad I am at spelling? Spelling is the only thing in school that I have ever gotten a F in, so how about you just shut up stop making me feel bad about me.
6. Be yourself
     What does this mean?
      -Do not ever let anyone tell you to be anything different then you are. You need to be you. Never let anyone tell you who to be. Be true to yourself.
7. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
     What does this mean?
      -Simply put, give a guy food and he will love. All men are suckers for food. Especially teenage ones. Girls, if you want a boy in high school skip the pretty make-up and dresses, and make your crush some food. No one can resist a girl who can bake.
8. There is always room for jello.
     What does this mean?
      - No matter how full you are there is always always room for jello.
9. Don't argue with an idiot.
    What does this mean?
     - You will never win when arguing with an idiot, just let them think they are smarter than you and go on living.
10. Violence is not the answer, Rock Paper Scissors is.
       What does this mean?
        -Any problem of you have can be solved by Rock Paper Scissors. A good old best two out of three can solve who gets the girl, who is right, who  get the child, who wins a court case. There is no need to resort to guns or weapons, RPS will always be the best solution!

Here are my ten commandments, do these and you will be fine. If you mess you remember commandment 4. But never forget commandment 1. We need to save humanity from the hole is going into now. So band together with me. Will you join in my crusade? Will you be strong and stand with me? Remember to stay calm and don't be stupid.
P.S. (That means post script in case you didn't know. It is a little bit added on the end of a letter.) This is not meant to be offensive or blashpemous, just funny and very truthful.

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