Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dancing in the Rain

Dear Readers,

"I was worried about getting wet, but then I said fuck it and danced in the rain."

I have a new life motto, dear readers, and that is it. I feel as if it is one of the only good things I have ever written or thought of (along with my poem "Life like mirrors, is hard and unforgiving.") Please don't dis my new motto. It may not be the most literary work of genius, but it is wonderful to me.
To explain my new life motto I need to start out with why it means so much to me. Today I graduated from high school. I am now officially done with high school. I walked across the "stage" (gym floor), shook some unknown mans hand, and received my diploma. I am done!! High school has been fun, but I am ready to move on. The next chapter of my life is beckoning me. The pull is so strong that I almost want to scream. I want to be done with high school and this life and some of my friends and everything, but I feel like high school is pulling down by the ankles. While my bright shiny future is out ahead of me I sit around fretting about useless shit that I should not care about. I have been so worried about what people think of me, what I think of others, what feelings I have towards others, and their feelings towards me. I  haven't realized that none, and I mean none, of this shit matters.
Let me just say, feelings are a bitch. When you think you have everything figured out the come into your heart and cause ruckus. They leave a nasty trail of regrets and fears that cause you to worry. What if he likes me? What if I like him? What if she likes him? What does what he said mean? Does it mean anything? I am sending double meanings?
Well you know what NONE of it matters. It doesn't! I am done with high school, I am done with these people, and I done with these feelings. Those bitches can just leave me alone. I need to stop worrying about what others and myself do and say.
And I have been telling myself that. I have been repeating the mantra L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N  in my head for the past few months, but it didn't hit me till today. It didn't hit me till I really stopped caring about something. Till I stopped worrying about getting wet and danced in the rain. It may sound foolish to you, but it stuck a chord in my heart. It made me stop and think. I need to stop worrying. I get wet, oh well clothes dry. I don't need to run to my back door to keep out of the rain. I dry. It will be okay. It is one thing to say you don't care and act like you don't care, but it is another thing completely to not actually care. To not worry about anything.
You know it feels good. It feels good to be done with high school. To be done with the people. To be done worrying. It feels so fucking fantastic to look at a situation and not have to worry about it. It may be as simple as not caring if you get wet. It may be as complex as your feelings towards a person of the opposite gender. Yet some how the complexity of the issue plays no part in how good it feels to not care. Hopefully some day, dear readers, you find this feeling. I wish with all of my heart that you stumble upon the same realization. I hope you can dance in the rain, with no one watching, no cares, and no regrets.
Your apathetic friend,

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