Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gradumacation Times

Dear Readers,

I just got back from a senior awards night. Yeah...............
Don't get me wrong I am SUPER EXCITED to graduate and to be DONE with school in 3 days, but these three days might kill me (or result in me killing someone.)
There are just many things around the gradumacation times that confuse me.
First. I assume that if you are going to college to be an English teacher you would know how to put things in alphabetical order. But maybe I ask to much of people. They always a super lame ass senior "video", which is really just a slide show of senior and baby picture put to really shitty music. Well my last name is near the end of the alphabet, but I am not that last person in my grade. There is a girl with the last name Woodard. My last name is Wohlgemuth, and should go in front of Woodard. But was I in front on Miss Woodard. No I was not. I was last. It is not that fact that I am last the puts my knickers in a twist; it is the fact that someone who should know who to use the alphabet got it wrong.
Second thing that pushes my buttons is the focus on sports in school. If you are not in sports in my school you are nothing. You basically don't exist. I applied for one scholarship for going into a vocational study, and I basically didn't get this award because the two girls that received it participated in sports. I am actually going into a vocational study. Culinary school in a vocational school. Going to a community college to get your nursing degree is not a vocational study. The girls who received the scholarship are nice girls, and this is not saying anything mean about them. I want to say something to that people who awarded that scholarship and many others, sports are not life. I exemplify the moral standards our school holds just as much as the people in sports. So dear reader if you ever have to award high school kids anything try and remember us speech nerds, band geeks, and quiz bowlers when you are deciding. Sports do not make you better then anyone else.
Third. Not everyone is special. I think I have said this before, but mostly everyone is average. C is an average grade, and if most people are average then they should be getting C's. There were so many people at the awards night who are graduating with honors. It makes the honor less of an honor. But hey I can not change the system and I am DONE in 3 days so whatever!
Read this and it will make you feel so much better about life. Oh, the Places You'll Actually Go. READ IT!!!! READ IT!!!!!
So feel better about yourself and graduating if you are graduating.

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