Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Dear Readers,
I have a few thoughts tonight, but I shall only bore you with one of them.
I just got back from my last high school concert ever. I don't really feel sad. More happy that soon I will be done!! It doesn't matter that I have no clue what I am doing next year, or that I really just haven't tried to figure it out. I will be done with school in 11 days!!!! HOORAY!!!! You have no idea how good this feels. Who cares that I have one project, one paper, and one presentation to do! I am almost done!!
So back to the concert. I also became extremely annoyed at this concert. Why, you may ask. Following directions.
How hard it is to wear black and white when you are told to? The directors are not asking them to stop sucking (because they haven't), to be on time (because they never are), or to stop talking while others are preforming (because they never shut up). The one thing they tell us at the beginning of the year is that you wear a white top, black bottom, and solid black shoes to the concerts. I cannot understand how this is hard. If you saw some of the items of clothing that people deem okay, you would be with me on this.
Follow directions people!! It is not that hard to go out and find solid black shoes. They have them at Walmart. Get off your lazy ass drive for 15 minutes to the nearest Walmart and get yourself a pair of solid black shoes. Solid black does not mean black lace with gray underneath. Also flip flops! Why are flip flops even considered shoes? They are not shoes. Nor will they ever be shoes. Wear something on your feet that actually provides protection to your toeies. It is not that hard. I really think that you have enough intelligence to accomplish that, but maybe I should not assume things to quickly.
Also wear a shirt that doesn't show all of your cleavage. Not everyone wants to look down your blouse the whole night. Modest is hottest. If you look like a whore then you probably are one. Also be aware of the amount of make up you put on your face. If you look like a bad Halloween costume of Snooki then you might want to wash a little of that plaster off your face. Again if you look like a hooker you might just be one. And high school concerts are not the place to look like a hooker.
Here is a good tip when wearing a uniform. You are not trying to look attractive, you are trying to look the same as everyone else. They are not trying to crush you individuality, they are simply trying to make things more professional. If you are ruining that to look "cute" (which is in quotation because most of the time people end up looking like they got dressed in the dark) then you are a self-centered narcissistic person, and you can go die in a hole. For once in your life conform to make everyone else and yourself look better. I know that everyone everywhere has always told you to be your own person. But for this one night can you please stop? Can you please do as you are told? And any other time there is a dress code or a uniform can you please forget about yourself and help everyone look professional?
So please follow directions. You will look less stupid, everyone else will look less stupid. Life will be better. They are not asking you to give up your heart on a platter so they can feed it to their dogs; they are simply asking you to wear the clothes they want. If that is to hard then you might need to be admitted to the hospital for mental problems.
Stop being stupid and follow directions!!!

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