Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Awesome Things

Dear Readers,

Recently I found one of the best blogs on the interwebs. Its called 1000 Awesome Things. Here is a link. I totes recommend checking it out! Now don't go ditching me, and never read my lame ass blog again. I need all of the readers I can get!
I was inspired by this awesome blog! I do not have 1000 things to tell you about, or the time or hand strength to type them all out. So I will tell you about 5 things.
1. Freshly shaved legs. Sorry some of these may only apply to the women of the world, but I bet men feel the same way about a soft smooth face. There is nothing better then shaving you legs, putting lotion on them, and then just running you hand up and down the silky smoothness. It doesn't matter if you are just going to put on pj's and crawl into bed or going out for the night shaved smooth soft legs are always good.
2. Buying things you love. This normally applies to books, bags, and shoes for me, but it can apply to whatever you love. When I buy a new bag or a pair of shoes I want to wear them all of the time. I want to sit and bask in their glory. I pride myself in find such cute items. I praise my good shopping skills. I think about how awesome I am because I found such awesome things. There is nothing better then finding something you love and buying it.
3. Getting free stuff. I know the last one was about buying stuff, but getting free stuff is also equally awesome. All food and drink tastes better when it is free. All clothes feel more comfy when they are free. All activities are more fun when they are free. Just because something is free doesn't mean you need it, but when you can get the necessities for no cost it is just plain awesome.
4. The smell of books. Whether old or new I love to smell 'em. Books just always smell fantastic. If I met a man who smelled like books I think I would marry him on the spot. There is absolutely nothing better then cracking open a new book sticking you nose deep in the cover and inhaling with the vigor of a crack addict in need of their hourly fix.
5. Sweating and not caring about it. Call me crazy, but I think sweating feels awesome. When you let your self let go, and sweat with no care it feels awesome. Your pores are getting cleaned. You don't need that fancy pants face washes just sit in the heat for a while while all of the nasty toxins and dirt come out of your skin. I work at a pool, so I sweat a lot. I have just stopped letting it bother me. If I smell a little the over powering smell of chlorine will prevail. So next time when you are feeling a little under the weather or your pores are screaming CLEAN ME! sweat it out. Trust me you will feel awesome.
So stay awesome, dear readers!

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