Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Dear Readers,

This post goes out to all of my rap buddies.
So I have explained before how listening to rap makes me feel like a complete bad ass, and it is still soooooo true. Recently I was sent a playlist by a friend that goes through the history of rap (supposedly). The playlist is 8 hours and contains 117 tracks, so I have a lot of rap to listen to. 
I used to think that rap was shit and had no redemption, but now that I have listened to more then just the shit on the radio I am realizing how awesome rap can be. Rap has many redeeming points.
First of all it makes me laugh. Most of the music really has no point. Many of the song have awful meanings. They talk about sex, violence, and very immoral things, but when I think about how me, one of the whitest girls I know, is listening to this I can't help giggling (giggling is so white). Some of the music also has really good puns, awesome rhymes, and really clever metaphors. Mostly I find myself laughing while listening to it.
Next ties into the first. Sometimes rap is like really good poetry put to beats. Okay sometimes, it is just shit. It is just cuss word after cuss word, and that is really good for nothing more then giggles. But when the song has real meaning and is really well written it is really hard not to like it. 
For another I really enjoy feeling like a thug. I am not trying to racist or offensive here. I just enjoy listening to music that is not considered the norm for white teenage girls. Its like a shock and aw thing. When you start singing rap when it comes onto the radio you give your friends a little fright. Its fun. 
Overall rap is pretty awesome. You have to listen to good rap though. Remember that rap like all of other kinds of music has good and bad songs. So stop listening to the shit that is only on the radio and check out some good stuff! Come join me and feeling like a thug. 

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