Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Get Off Your Ass, Go Out There, and Live the Shit Out of Your Life!

Dear Readers,

Tonight was a pretty legit night. I did a lot of stuff. Thanks to Ronald Reagan I had an excuse to eat ice cream. I chilled with my friends. And I was continually reminded that in 1 month, yes exactly one month dear readers, I will be leaving.
This week has kinda been a shitty week. I was on a high from the concert at the beginning of the week, and then everything went down hill. I got really tired. I got really lazy. And I got really busy. That combination has always preceded a melt down on planet Lindsey.
Also every shitty feeling was accompanied by the fact that this is basically going to be the rest of my life. Working. And working sucks. I hate going to work for 10 hours everyday, and then on weekends working at least 5 hours a day. It is really the pits. How people have been doing this for centuries I have no idea.
I am really starting to miss being a child. I am starting miss being able to take naps in the afternoon, carry around stuffed animals everywhere, have a mom to make all of your lunches, and to not have any worries but who you were going to play with on the playground. Why I ever decided to grow up is beyond me.
So overall it has been sort of a depressing week.
But then tonight I decided to read the 1000 Awesome Things blog again. There is just one post that I cannot get over. It literally speaks to me. Yes, the words literally jump of the fucking page at me and ambush my ears. For some reason it makes my sucky life seem less sucky.
It makes my step back and look at my life and realize about how pretty damn good it is. I complain and bitch about how I hate working and how this summer sucks. I have a very cynical view of life, and everything has a gray tinge to it.
And although I feel like I am going crazy, my life really couldn't get better. This moment right now is the youngest I will ever be. This fleeting moment might be the last one like it my life. My short short life.
Think about it. Compared to how long the rock we live on has been going around the sun, our lives are very short. You have maybe 100 years. Maybe. Each day you are getting older. Each day you are closer to the day you die. That sucks.
But each day is also another day to do something new. To go out and live the hell out of your life. Each day is another day to make something out of you short time on this planet. Each day is another day to fall in love, the eat pie, to have fun, to stay up late, to sleep in late, to have a shitload of new experiences, to read another book, to watch another movie, to have one more conversation with a close friend, to mark one thing off your bucket list. Each day there is something new. Even the most shitty days of work have redemption because the bed just feels so much better when you finally get there.
So even though you may be stuck in a rut. Even though you may see no light at the end of the deep dark tunnel, trust me there is one. Life is not all awful. You may not be able to nap or carry around stuffed animals, but with again comes privilege. You can smoke, drink, buy things of infomercials, vote, get married, watch R rated movies. Remember that when you are feeling shitty.
Life is short, but it is good. So go out in live. Yes, work sucks, but work isn't life and don't let it be. Remember that you only have a short time. Use it wisely my friends.
So dear readers get off you ass, go out there, and live the shit out of your life.

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