Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy and Productive?

Dear Readers,

I have been strangely productive today. Since I am not in school any more I would like to sit around and do nothing. I would love to sleep in late everyday, but for some reason my body has a different plan. I work up at 6:30 for some unknown reason. I took a shower, ate breakfast, made cupcakes, cleaned the kitchen, folded some laundry, and posted on my other blogs all before 11. At 11 I had a strange whim and went on a walk.
Last night I started reading a book for a book club I am in (which is meeting tomorrow and the 400 page book has to be finished tomorrow, by the way). It is called the Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl. I am liking it, but I am relating to it way to much. It is also making me want to go out and exercise and eat healthy. I am not so sure I like the affects of this book on me. So that is were the strange walking whim came from.
Also for some reason I have been filled with reckless abandonment this week. I am not sure if it is because I am done with high school and I want to push everything into this chapter of my life that I can. Or if I am afraid that college won't be any fun. Or if I am sick of being in school all day and now I just want to have fun. But what ever it is, it is kinda weirding me out. 
I am doing things that I normally don't do. Like go for walks for one. I enjoy being outdoors, but normally the bugs and sweatiness throw me off. For some reason though I found some paths at a park, and all I want to do now is be outside at the park.
And tonight I might do something really weird and go sleep on the golf course. For some reason I am filled with the desire to do things on my bucket list and fun things that aren't on my bucket list. So, dear readers, I am not really sure what is going on with me these days but I am acting weird. Hopefully this is only a phase; I don't know if I can be this happy and wistful for the rest of my life. Being as productive as I was today is also not me, so hopefully this doesn't last forever. Otherwise I won't know what to do with myself. Here are a couple unhappy thoughts for you though. Feelings are a bitch, and clean up your dog's crap, even if it is your yard because it smells awful.
So I guess there are somethings that still push my buttons, but I still am very happy, wistful, productive, and fun which is just not me. I will alert you, dear readers, if anything changes.

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