Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ONE DAY MORE!!!!!!!!!

Dear Readers,

I am so CLOSE!!!!! I have ONE DAY MORE!!!!!!!!
This will probably be my last blog post from my lap top. I am sad that I am losing it. It feels like just yesterday I was at the assembly to get learn about proper care. I will miss you laptop!!!
But on a happier note. I have one day of high school left!!
Then I am so done with that hell hole!!
For graduation the senior choir members are singing One Day More from Le Mis, and I feel it is very appropriate for today. There is one day more. I of course will not be going into a revolution. Tomorrow I will not be marching to war.
But there is one day more before the rest of my life. I still have a couple weeks till I officially graduate, but once I leave that school tomorrow I am done with classes and grades and homework and all of the worry that high school entails.
I have one more day till the end of a chapter of my life. One more day till everything changes. After tomorrow we will discover what our God in Hevean has in store. One more dawn. One day more!
One more band practice. One more study hall. One more school lunch. One more 3:15. One more day.
I recomended the song One Day More for our senior song because we really have one day more. One day more till we are off on our own. One day more till we are forced to grow up. One more day till we go off into the world and discover what we are meant to do.
Yes, we do literally have more than one day. But this summer will go by in the blink of an eye. We have limited time till we leave.
This moment holds so much joy and sadness for me. I can't wait the leave all of these idiots that I hate, but I will miss the idiots that I actually like.
Currently I am just in a state of happiness mixed with a little sadness. But mostly I am so glad to be done soon. I am estatic. Overjoyed. Chipper. Cheerful. Thrilled. Jubilant. On Cloud Nine. Jolly. Delighted. Elated. Merry. Gay. Joyful. Peppy. Perky. Sprakling. Walking on Sunshing.
I am just so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!
So sorry I am not my normal angry, demeaning self. But somedays just make you want to smile!! And today is surely one of them.
ONE DAY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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