Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dances Suck

Dear Readers (and stupid males who this post concerns),I just got home from my schools jazz band dance. I absolutely love jazz music. It is one of my favorite types of music!! So I was super pumped to go and just listen to the music. But it is called a dance. So it would have been nice to dance....
Yeah that didn't really happen.
Dancing with other girls is just not that fun. Not that fun. So here is a tip for all of you boys out there, ask us to dance because we want to dance. We do not just want to stand there in a big circle awkwardly looking around. Or at least I don't want to.
One guy made the comment that girls are scary, and then other males standing around agreed. Really? Girls are scary, and that is why you aren't asking them to dance? We are scary? We might say no? Oh, well! Most of the time we won't! (Unless the girl happens to be a bitch, and most girls are really good deep down inside and will not say no.) It's just a dance, it's not like we would be getting married. Dancing is just fun. So try it. If you are a senior in high school and you can't muster up the courage to ask a girl to dance because you are afraid of rejection, well then sir you have learned nothing from high school.
I really thought that girls having cooties was an elementary school thing, but apparently not. Girls want gentlemen. Girls want guys who are nice and ask you to dance. Girls don't want to have to be the person to ask. Girls don't want assholes, we want nice guys.
So if you are a teenage guy and you are reading this, here are some rules just for you! Ask a girl to dance! If you are standing there talking to her then just ask her to dance, she will most likely say yes! Ask! Stop standing on the other side of segregated lines afraid of cooties and rejection. Hey, here's something new you should know. Life is full of rejection and failure. But if you let the fear of rejection keep you from doing what you want then life is going to suck. So ask! She will say yes because it was very nice of you to ask! (If she says no it probably has something to do with you being an asshole or smelling bad, and you should fix that.)
Remember boys to make dances suck less ask a girl to dance!
Buck up some courage, and stop bring stupid.

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