Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fun Isn't Hard When You Have a Library Card

Dear Readers,First of all we must thank the Messy Mondays Guy for the title of this post. Today I watched the video You May Be a Home Schooler If... Well I am not a home schooler, but there were a few things I connected with due to the fact the I went to a private Lutheran elementary school and my family raised me with somewhat strict Christian values. One of the things I connected with is now the title of this post. So thank you Blimey Cow.
Second of all we must wish a very happy 182th birthday to Eadweard J. Muybridge. Besides taking pictures of horses to prove that at one point all of their legs are off the ground during a trot, he led a very interesting life. He once killed his wife's lover and got off clean by pleading insanity. He had a son, which is pretty cool. When he divorced his wife, he got custody of his son. He changed his name like five times. So overall he was a pretty cool man. Let us all wish Mr. Muybridge a very happy 182th birthday.
Third of all (if it is correct to say that) it is National Library Week!! Hooray! An entire week to celebrate how wonderful libraries are. I really think it should be longer then a week. Libraries really need to be appreciated year around. People today do not realize how awesome libraries are. They complain about the musty smell, the amount of fines they have, or how grumpy the librarians are. Well, as a librarian myself, let me say a few words for words for all of the amazing bookshelves, novel-finders, and library goddesses (and gods) out there.
There are a few ways to get on your librarians good side. Here are a few rules of thumb to live by while in the library.
1. Shhhhh!!!! Use your indoor voices. Libraries are quiet places for people to work, read, and use the computers. Libraries are not a hang out space, unless you and your friends are planning to hangout and read then we are all for that. When in a library you need to keep your voice down. I don't know if they aren't teaching this in schools now-a-days, but kids really don't understand indoor voices. If you shhh them they give you a strange look, stay quit for a few seconds, and then go back to talking again. I also have a strange theory that this phenomenon my also be due to a lack of discipline from the parents. They never scold or reprimand their kids, so the kids do not take orders from any authority figure. This is particually irritating to someone who is trying to keep a library quit. Next time you are in a library and decide that you need to talk, please for the love of everything good and holy keep your voice below a whisper.
2. Every book in the library has a special place on the shelves. When you move the books around, you make it so that no one can find the books. If you happen to taken a book of the shelf to look at the inside cover or read the first page, put the book back where it belongs. It is not hard to look at the spine and put the book in alphabetical or numerical order. If that happens to be to hard for you bring the book up to the front desk and we will gladly put the book back in its proper place for you. I would rather have someone come up the front desk with a stack of books for me to put away, then to go and find those books in the wrong place in the wrong section later. Remember if you do not want the book, find its special place on the shelf.
3. Libraries are not just for computers. That is a big shock, isn't it?!? Here is the number one way to get a librarian to like you, CHECK OUT BOOKS!!! I know it's a new and revolutionary idea, but trust me it will work. Libraries are meant for people to check out books, and when people come in and only play on the computers part of a bookworm's heart dies. It is hard to see the youth of our nation frivolously wasting their time on pointless computer games. The internet is a magnificent resource, but it is not ment to be used every minute of every day. Next time you find yourself bored and wonder into a library remember that there are adventures just waiting for you right on the shelves. You do not need to log onto the computer and play your rpg's. Just open up the pages of a good book, and you are in for a glorious time.
Please remember these three simple rules when in a library. They are really not that hard to follow. During this wonderful week we need to remember how amazing a library can be and respect these monuments to knowledge, wisdom, and adventure by making sure to use the library for good and not for evil. Remember that fun is never hard when you have a library card.
Happy National Library Week everyone!!

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