Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Me Bitching and My Life Lessons

Dear Readers,

So I just got done having a bonfire. I had a huge glass of really strong iced coffee so I am still kicking after putting everything back in its place, driving two of my friends who lost their car keys home, and washing all of my dishes. Since I am still so awake I decided it would be wonderful idea to blog and eat a shit ton of Nutella straight from the container. It sounded like a really good idea, and it is turning out the be a brilliant idea! I LOVE Nutella! It is honestly one of the best things I have ever eaten. It joins the list with escargot, green bean casserole, and  orange dream pops.
The bonfire was super fun I guess... I would be lying if I didn't say I was really looking forward to it. I love hanging out with my friends. I will miss them next year when I am off at college. But you know sometimes friends get on your nerves. Tonight made me realize why I really don't like some of my friends. Sometimes tell people that they might make people cry is not the best way to remain friends with them. The kid wasn't really telling me that I make people cry, but by telling me that I don't really know he was insinuating it.
I don't really feel like going in depth on the things that people did when I told them not to. I will just leave it at teenage boys are definitely dumb fucks.
Don't get me started on people leaving and not staying to help clean up the huge mess they made. Yeah that was fun! Thankfully I forced the people who lost their keys to stay and help me clean before I gave them a ride home.
I also really enjoy people who we did not invite coming. I know that they are also my friends, but sometimes they are not invited as to make situations less awkward.
But hey I had fun! I talked to loud. I drank to much coffee. I inhaled way too much smoke from the fire (not from cigarettes or pot). I laughed to much. And currently I am eating to much Nutella.
So I would like to raise my spoon full of this wonderful creamy nutty chocolaty substance. I would like to dedicate this post to friends I love, friends I hate, friends who piss me off, friends who make things fun, friends who kill the fun when they arrive at parties, friends who kill the fun when they leave the parties, friends who need rides home, friends who couldn't make it, the person who invited s'mores, the person who posted the iced coffee recipe I found, the geniuses who thought of sun-tea, the idiots that keep my life interesting, the people make me smile from just being in their presence, inside jokes, hair that smells like smoke, parents who let me have friends over, friends who help me plan things, leaving high school behind, new life mottoes, not caring, and of course the makers of Nutella (who are actually in Canada not Europe, the illusion is shattered. I hope your life can continue).
So here is a rule for you, Don't worry, be happy!
The old song lyrics actually have some truth! Guys will be dumb fucks, girls will be bitches, you will read to far into situations, people will say stupid things, shit will happen. But really stop worrying. Life will go on. You will eventually find some way to be happy. It may come in a plastic container, or in a person's smile, or in an inside joke, or in the simple joy of being with people who love. But stop worrying. It will come. That is truly the best advice I can give. Stop worrying! Decide to dance in the rain. Let your friends play with the fire if it makes them happy. Eat half a container of sugary chocolate nut spread if it makes you feel good! Stop worrying and live your life!
If this summer is going to teach me anything it will be that if you want it done you do it yourself, and to stop WORRYING!!
So stay classy and sassy my friends! Always remember that caring is sharing, which is why herpes were invented!

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