Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pretty Good Day

Dear Readers,

Today has been a pretty good day dear readers. I worked for most of the day, and I guess that wasn't so bad. I have four hours of over time this weekend and that is really nice. I also worked with my baby brother, and I love that kid so that was nice. Oh Cole Bear. (He isn't actually a baby, he is only one and half years younger than me.) 
After work I went on a razzle date with Bear. What is a razzle date, you may ask dear readers. Well, a local gas station has their own version of a blizzard, and it is called a razzle. Cole loves them. He wanted to go get one and so we went. We both got cookie dough, and it was super yummy. 
I love spending time with my baby brother. He is awesome. I believe that I will actually miss him next year when I go off to college. This is a some what strange feeling because really no one ever likes their siblings, or so I am told. But dear readers I feel as I age I appreciate my siblings more. I truly love them, and life without them will be different. 
Enough of this sentimental shit. I have a few other reasons that this is a good day. The Batman came to my house today!! No sadly, dear readers, I do not mean the super hero. I know that is a bummer. A man who actually deals with bats for a live came to my house today to bat proof our roof, and to install this tube to help gets bats out of our house. Yes, there are bats in my house! It's like having a few more friends around. They aren't flying around inside the house, but there are living in the walls. Well, they were living in the walls. But now they are forced to leave. Oh well, at least I can say the Batman came to my house!! 
So today was a very successful happy today. I fell like tomorrow will be the same. My skin and hair will soak in a little more chlorine, I will work a few hours, maybe finish my book, and go swimming with my friends. 
This, dear readers, is why I like summer. The heat sucks, but I lurve the pretty good days.

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