Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Things That Make Me Feel Like a Bad Ass

Dear Readers,

There are few things in life that make me feel like a bad ass. I would like to tell you them!
Number One: Drinking grapes KoolAid in the living room when my parents are gone. My stupid ass southern friends and I were talking about things that we do when our parents aren't home, and that was my answer. Most people throw parties, steal from their parents liquor cabinets, and have mass amounts of fun (or at least that is what movies lead me to believe). But that is not for me that only thing I need to feel awesome and rebellious is drinking grape drank. My father hates it when we drink or eat things in the living room that could stain the carpet, so when he isn't home I break out the chocolate syrup, grape drank, dark pop, and cheesy chips. Woop Woo! Look we got a bad ass over here!
Number Two: Gun Club. Oh what is Gun Club you ask? Well let me explain! Actually Gun Club isn't a real things. It is the girls name for a group that my guy friends are in called S.W.O.R.D. Sword is lame. It is basically Larping. If you don't know what that is get off your lazy ass, get a life, know things, and google it. The only difference between Sword and Larping is that the boys who play sword don't wear costumes. Larping is a little funnier to watch, but knowing that boys (and yes they are really boys not men not males they only deserved to be called boys) play this sort of thing makes me feel very bad ass. I just got back from watching them play, and I laughed so much my stomach hurts. They are ridiculous! Watching them makes me feel better about myself because I don't look retarded, and makes me feel happy that I know people who do that.
Number Three: Rap music. Surprised? Yes I do listen to rap music. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel like a bad ass. Okay mostly just B.O.B, but I still feel awesome. It swears, talks about drinking and drugs, and is in general profane and makes me happy. I feel so boss sitting at home alone with no friends blogging and listening to rap. It is awesome and I have a life.
Number Four: Stay up late. For some reason reading until 1:30 in the morning still makes me feel rebellious and disrespectful. I know my parents don't even care anymore, but there is a part of me that says I am staying up past my bedtime.
Number Five: Swearing. Normally I look like a cute little teenage girl. I wear bows I my curly hair, cute dresses on my womanly frame, and cute flats on my not so girly feet, but I feel so bad ass swearing like a sailor. It freaks people out and I love it! But you should keep my foul language a secret because I am still putting on a good face for the authority figures in my life. They don't know the bad ass side of me.
Number Six: Last and certainly least, reading books and watching movies meant for adults. I am still not legally an adult, do I feel so bad ass when I read or watch things that use profane language and have adult content. I have been reading books that were above me age level since I was learned to read. It makes me like a bad ass for ignoring the age recommendation and more mature than people my age which makes me feel better than them. Two of my favorite feelings! So bring on those romance books and those rated "R" movies!
So there you have it! The things that make me feel like a bad ass. Some may seam silly to you, but keep those thoughts in you head because I have a key to the pool now and I am not afraid to go into you house at night tie you up take you to the pool and throw you in holding a brick. So dear readers keep living life and feeling like a bad ass!

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