Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

For God So Loved the World

Dear Readers,Do you know the three things that God had blesses his people with?
Oh, you think you do. Well, I bet you are wrong. Let me educate you.
Number one Jesus Christ. Jesus saves us from our sins and gives us only grace when we give nothing but ungratefulness back.
Number two Parchment Paper. Once upon a time people everywhere were spending to much time washing off their pans and scraping bites of burnt on food. Cakes were sticking to the pans. Loaf breads refused to come out of their pans. God saw all of this need and invented parchment paper. Sorry if this is blaspheme or something like that, but here is John 3:16 with parchment paper.
For God so loved us all that he sent his one and only magic paper. That whoever used this paper would not have to wash dishes and their cakes will not stick.
That's in the bible right? No? Its not? Hmmm... oh well. It should be.
Number three. ORANGE DREAM POPS! Orange dream pops are the best food ever made. What can get better than an ice cream bar surrounded by orange sherbet? NOTHING! They are honestly my favorite food. They are the only food that has made me cry. I know, you are thinking how can some processed packaged food make you cry, but let me ask you this. Have you ever eaten a dream bar? Probably not if you don't understand why I cry when I eat the. God is blessing me through these magical bars. He is smiling upon me when I eat one of these magnificent creations. You probably think I am crazy, but I am serious I love orange dream bars soooooo much. Talk to anyone who knows me and they will attest to this fact. Orange Dream Bars are my one true love. I could not live without them When ever they have them at school I start to freak out and eat them before I eat the rest of my meal. Life without Orange Dream Pops is meaningless. I love you Orange Dream Pops!!!
Sorry if this post offended you because into light what God has given us. Hmm.... Actually I am not sorry. God fills our lives with glorious things everyday, and Orange Dream Pops and parchment paper are something that he has put in my life. So I am not really making fun of God, I am just saying that he has blessed me with many things and three things that I can clearly see are Jesus, parchment paper, and Orange Dream Pops. God bless you all with something that you love too!
All hail the wonderful being that gave us his son, parchment paper, and Orange Dream Pops!

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