Dear Readers, I had some problems with what people were saying in my Shakespeare class today.
First of it is a Shakespeare so I would like to discuss Shakespeare and his writing instead of the opinions and views of everyone in the class. Shakespeare did write some of his plays to make a point about social issues, but that is not all we need to talk about. Shakespeare is considered one of the best, if not the best English writer. He tried new things that are still being used today. He created new words. He was a genius. I would personally like to talk about his writing style. There is such beauty in the way Shakespeare rights. There is such passion in his words. I believe that in a Shakespeare Literature class we would cover more of this, but apparently my beliefs are incorrect.
Second problem is that all of the views and opinions said in the class are not always the smartest. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so don't go off on me about how I shouldn't call other people's opinions stupid. But really they are. Somehow today we got on the topic of the differences between females and males being sexually active. In which most people ranted about how it is stupid that men can go out and screw everyone women they see and get high-fives from their friends, but women do the same they are considered whores. One super feminist class made ranted and raved about how this double standard should be done away with, and that it isn't fair.
I have two things to say to that. Life is NOT always fair! And if you go screw every man on the block then your are a whore!
Call me old fashioned, but I still believe that sex should be saved for marriage. Neither guys nor girls should do the deed before their wedding night. This view goes against everything our media and pop culture is telling us. They tell us that sex is fun, and that it is okay to be a floozie. Then after the media puts these false thoughts in our heads, then society scorns those who follow these false pretenses.
This discretion is what is getting our society in trouble. Both males and females need to realize what they are doing wrong, and stop it.
Which brings me to another problem. Men and women are not exactly the same, and should NOT be treated as such. Before any of the feminazis freak out let me explain. Men and women are biologically different. Not only do we have different body parts, we think, act, and feel differently. Trying to make every double standard and every inequality between sexes disappear is just plain stupid. We are different, I don't care if you believe the God created us differently or if you believe that flying spaghetti monster in the created us differently it is a fact and you need to accept it.
Later on in the class after the discussion about whores my principal walked in. I thought that the head honcho of the school walking into the class who stop this idiotic discussion. Oh No! I was proved wrong. So very very wrong. The topic changed from double standards of the sexes to racial slurs. These two things did not relate in my mind, and after thinking they still do not relate. Calling a person of African descent the n word is not the same as calling a lose girl a whore. There is a big difference. People with other skins colors are different only by the pigment in their skin. They were not created separately from the rest of the world. I do not understand how these two things are related. Maybe you can help me because I honestly don't have a clue. BIG BIG difference, and everyone should recognize this difference. (I also don't understand how someone could say the n word in front of the principal, but hey I won't judge.)
Please, if you could help me understand this stupidity I would be very glad. Maybe my morals are just so old fashioned that I cannot understand this hip new way of thinking. But in all honesty I do not want to now or ever understand this way of thinking.
So here is what you need to remember.
Number One: Life is NOT always fair.
Number Two: If you screw every man on the block then you are a whore.
Number Three: Men and women are different.
Number Four: Racial slurs are NOT the same as calling a woman a whore because she sleeps around.
Please people remember those four simple things, and I will pray that you all will not fall down the slippery slop of stupidity and adapt to society's way of thinking. Stay classy!
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