Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Dear Readers,I must tell you about something that I have been wanting to tell you about for a while. The movie In Bruges. This movie is amazing. It is honestly one of the best movies I have ever seen. I have no idea of any other movie that is up to its caliber. It is AMAZING!
Just to warn you there is a lot of swearing in this movie. And by a lot I mean 126 f words. So be prepared. But the swearing just sort of blends in after a while.
Once you get past the obscenities the movie is just fantastic. The story is about two hitmen in the town of Bruges. After one guy, Ray, messed up a job they go to Bruges to lay low. Ray and Ken are to sightsee until they are given instructions of what to do next.
I don't want to tell you anymore about this movie because I want you to go and watch it. The story is moving, funny, and meaningful. It encompasses everything that I like in my movies. There is just so much in this movie that makes it amazing. So PLEASE PLEASE go watch this movie and then come back and comment on this post and we can talk about how awesome it is.
I am trying really hard to not spill everything about this movie right now because you should experince it for yourself. But you will love it. Just remember to be preparded for the f word.

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