Sorry grammar Nazis (aka Tina), I am
awful at spelling and grammar and life. Let me apologize in advance! SORRY!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


helloi am to lazy to do anything today. i don't even want to move my finger a few inches to capitalize things. i also really really don't to hit the spell check button. so sorry if every thing is misspelled. laziness is an awful disease. it has overcome me during this last year of high school. i have been to lazy to blog to. i am sorry. i have had things that i feel you need to hear  but i have been to lazy to open up this page and tell you about it. people have accused me of being lazy all year and now, just now, i feel like admitting to it.  i am lazy. there i said it. i am too lazy to push a button on my computer, i am to lazy to blog, i am too lazy to try, i am too lazy to do everything.
this laziness sucks. it's awful. i hate it but i am to lazy to do anything about it. i don't want to try even though i know it is important. everything i have ever read or heard discourages this attitude. but being lazy is so enticing. it doesn't require you to do anything and if you fail you can just blame it on your lack of caring. its a wonderful awful feeling. i feel so bad that i really couldn't care less but i really don't care about changing that.
why does it matter anyway. i am almost done with my senior year. i have like a couple of months left and then i am living this hickville. i am done with this place. so does it really matter whether or not i try. no it dosen't.
i am to lazy to try and impress people or like people. i will never see these people after this year so what if i am not nice all of the time. it doesn't matter. and i am to lazy to think that it could matter.
i should stop talking about being lazy and go try to write a paper about how les miserables inpires me to be a better person.
remember children laziness sucks. its awful. don't let it take you over. fight it. learn from my lose against laziness and make sure you don't end up like. so stay strong children. don't sucumb.

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